the personality database loki

Introverted Intuition is a perceiving function that takes in and processes information, and is particularly interested in things that cant be directly experienced. Loki and Thor are reunited back with Odin. Thor arrived in Asgard mere moments after Loki had killed Laufey. However, she tricked the trickster into revealing that there was already a monster among them and that it was not him. (LogOut/ Explore and participate in hundreds of our studies. Thor had then put Volstagg and Fandral in temporary charge of the Bifrost Bridge as he and Loki went to investigate further. Thor - ESTP. Odin, however, demanded they stop speaking and had ordered Loki to step forward, as Loki still continued making light of the situation, banging his chains together and claiming that he did not see what all the fuss was about. Only Thor, albeit injured both physically and emotionally, had survived the ordeal. joint commission holiday schedule 2022 Before Loki could drop the cell from the Helicarrier in order to kill his brother, Phil Coulson confronted him with the Destroyer Armor Prototype Gun and politely ordered him to move away from the controls and surrender, noting that he was not sure exactly how powerful the gun really was. Get tips, advice, and deep insights into various topics. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. When hanging over the Bifrost, though, he referred to him as "brother", despite having previously disowned him only a few minutes earlier, though this was soon revealed to be an illusion, and another trick to use against Thor. Fatal Attraction is a deep-dive reimagining of the classic psychosexual thriller and '80s cultural touchstone. Doctor Strange, however, had refused to even bother engaging with Loki and simply sent him and Thor through the portal to Norway, where Odin was waiting. Loki and the Grandmaster's chief bounty hunter Scrapper 142 were contacted by the Grandmaster, who offered a great bounty for their capture as he refused to allow his beloved champion to escape from Sakaar. Loki is taken into custody by the Avengers, As the Avengers were escorting Loki out of the Stark Tower, they were stopped by Alexander Pierce and a group of HYDRA operatives that were disguised as S.H.I.E.L.D. Back in 2014 I started writing a fan fiction based on Marvels version of Loki. I have enjoyed your article very much. As he looked upon the humans cowering in fear at his power, Loki could only laugh at those he deemed lesser than himself. Loki has an Observant style of cleverness. Weve mentioned Lokis unresolved emotional issues, and we see it throughout the characters various story arcs. And, -1 implying that if a character is high on specific trait, the other one is low on it. We see it in his tendencies toward intense and reactive emotions, underlying insecurities, innate restlessness, and his inability to be satisfied with anything. 1) History and development of the Enneagram, 2) Description of each Enneagram type, 3) Description of each Instintual Variant, 4) Description of each tritype, 5) Debating topics on Enneagram. After learning that Laufey was in actuality his biological father, he did not even mention this to him on Jotunheim and later murdered him when he attempted to kill Odin. Enneagram. This produces a value from +1 to -1. Most fictional characters can also be attributed to one of them. Thor regained Mjlnir and threatened his brother, but before he could get the information he needed from Loki about the Tesseract's location, Thor was tackled by Iron Man and knocked off the side of the mountain. agents. 7) . Other than that, Loki supposedly cared for Thor, consoling him after his coronation was ruined but was stated to be envious of him his entire life, although no one knew the extent of such envy until it was too late. With Hela and the Berserkers distracted by their battle against the Revengers, Loki was then able to successfully get into the Palace and charge into Odin's Vault without being seen or challenged. What do you think of his personality type? Sylvie puts on a tough girl act to cover up the fact that she'd rather not be alone. the personality database loki. But everyone has a bad day, and Wanda Maximoff has had a few. Regardless, Thor returned from his exile on Earth and ended Loki's reign, thwarting his attempt to declare war on the Nine Realms with Jotunheim's destruction. Where are you at these days?Loki: It varies from moment to moment. Sigyn was a beautiful Asgardian, engaged to Theoric, a god she loved, and who was member of Odin's guard of the Crimson Hawk. Soon, they came in contact with Haldier, who was worried about his son. As they became more outnumbered and Fandral was injured when a Frost Giant impaled him, Loki killed the Frost Giant before he ordered the Warriors Three to retreat. Feel free to write everything about typology here. Loki giving Valkyrie her horrifying flashback, Noting what a painful memory it must be for her, Loki used his Magic to then make Valkyrie relive the Massacre of the Valkyrie at the hands of Hela when she had attempted to escape from Hel, which had also eventually had led to Valkyrie living her life on Sakaar and drinking herself towards death. When typing fictional characters here at 16Personalities, the type we present is determined only by what weve seen of the characters behavior and actions in the movies or books in which they appear. [27], Loki and the Black Order watch Thor suffer. 6) How to type yourself and others. Added to this, Loki firmly believed that freedom was life's great lie and that no-one was truly free and everyone was oppressed in some way. This goes on for years, until Loki learns that the person hes been trying to be his entire life isnt good enough because no matter what he does, Odin could never have a frost giant sitting on the throne of Asgard.. As he continued he spill out insults to his brother, Loki was then pushed onto a Asgardian Skiff flown by Fandral. The guy is clearly an INTP. Thor was able to break him free from the trance and also got the Bone of the Wolves' Treasureyard, completing the first challenge. On top of that, hes a Feeling boy who probably identifies with his mother more than the men in a world that prizes more traditionally masculine traits. Loki was given command over the Chitauri army in order to conquer Earth, under the provision that Loki acquires the Tesseract for Thanos. However, Fury remained confident and told the God of Mischief that he had made him very desperate and he might live to regret this. With +1 implying that every trait one character is high on the other one is high on too, to an equal degree. Ultimately, they are fictional and are used as a way to help others better understand aspects of personality type. She is fixated on her vision of perfection which draws out unhealthy personality traits. Get rewarded for doing what you already do as a fan., Marvel Must Haves: Shop Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania, Russell Dauterman Draws the Climactic Showdown Between Scarlet Witch and Scythia in 'Scarlet Witch' #5, Iron Man Director Jon Favreau Receives Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, New Baby Rocket Funkos Arrive For a Galactic Adventure, Paul Rudd on Traveling To The Quantum Realm in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Evangeline Lilly On The Family Dynamic In Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Kathryn Newton On Her Debut in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Meet Kang: Jonathan Majors Discusses Portraying the MCU's New Biggest Threat, Valentines Day Reading on Marvel Unlimited, Seven Foundational Moments from Loki's History with the Avengers, Loki Forges a Weapon That Curses the Marvel Universe in New Solo Comic Series. Loki proudly reclaims the Throne of Asgard, Loki reverted to his true form and smiled in triumph at reclaiming the throne of Asgard at long last. Before the ceremony, Loki said that while he was sometimes envious of Thor's place as first-born, there was no doubt that he loved him dearly, while also teasing his brother over his helmet's feathered design. Published Apr 6, 2021. Initially, Doctor Strange portrays Stephen Strange as elite even among surgeons. Upset and tearful, Loki refused, demanding to know what really happened and who he really was. Thor watched in horror as Coulson fell to the ground dying. a. Soba b. Consequences of his deal with Thanos would soon come back to haunt Loki, however, as the Mad Titan and his Black Order intercepted the Asgardians as they were making their way towards Earth. This I can agree with. agent and stabbed him straight through the heart with his Scepter. One-Shot Hearing this, Loki reminded him that he was his king and therefore was forced to obey his orders without question and with complete loyalty. Loki is finally reunited back with Heimdall. Doctor Erik Selvig was taken to a S.H.I.E.L.D. However, ignoring Laufey's warning, Thor demanded answers on how Laufey's soldiers had gotten into Asgard to try and steal the Casket of Ancient Winters from Odin's Vault. However, Loki's plan to use Hulk was only one aspect of his real intentions. Loki created an illusion for a second hawk to distract it. A lot of the psychology that so many professionals focus on with Loki is beyond the scope of personality typing. Below is a database of personality types of characters from famous works. Loki really gets into the idea that he thinks everything through and is a good 10 steps ahead of everyone he often isnt, though. Loki falling through Doctor Strange's portal. In response to his act of treason against the throne, Loki proceeded to strip Heimdall of all titles and finally banished him from the Kingdom, never to return again. Im a mischievous scamp.. : 2.12: Who You Really Are, The Most Guarded Secret of 'Thor: Ragnarok' Was an A-List Cameo, Loki's Thor: The Dark World Death Was Originally Permanent, JOSS WHEDON EXPLAINS WHY THERE'S NO LOKI IN 'AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON', Hulk speaks in awesome new trailer for Thor: Ragnarok. While taking pleasure in his role, Loki convinced the Asgardians that he was a tragic figure, commissioning a large statue of himself while also commissioning a Stage Production of his own death[2] a script for which he wrote himself.[26]. Introverted Thinking (or Accuracy) is an INFJs tertiary function, and provides a logical core that can make impersonal decisions. It also shows the standard deviation of the ratings and how many different individuals submitted a rating for that description. I have been acting on my inferior qualities ever since my fathers demise and it has worsened in these recent years due to stress and depression. They then found Sif, and Loki helped her out of the trance by talking about courage. While watching his men work, Loki noted the Scepter's gem glowing and calling out to him. If you spend months or years working out of this function, though, bad things happen. Loki has been living with his stress function held up as a paragon. Loki stayed silent, listening and working out his own plan. When Loki refused to answer him, Thor responded by pinning Loki with Mjlnir for the first time in years, at which Loki easily gave up their father's location at Shady Acres Care Home where Loki had left him. Family members of an INFJ in a chronic grip state may be unable to find ways to sidestep the ready anger and criticism expressed by their loved one. Now, imagine youre a young INFJ boy growing up with an ESTP brother (this is Thors type click here to read about him). However, when Thor had managed to land a heavy blow against Hulk, he attempted to use the Black Widow's technique to calm him down, only for Hulk to smash Thor into the ground as he had done to Loki back in New York, much to Loki's delight as he yelled that Thor now knew how he felt. Leaving Thor and Valkyrie to him some time to distract Hela by furiously fighting her on the Rainbow Bridge, Loki took control of the Commodore and flew back to the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf, commenting to himself along the way about how completely insane this plan was. Once she left to warn them, Loki's smile indicated that was part of his plan: to turn Hulk against the Avengers by first turning the Avengers against Hulk. [5], Loki smiles, while he hears Hulk's rampage. For a lot of them, being good at Dark Souls is their only personality trait. [13] Then Frog Thor appeared and Loki was pummeled by him. Loki will take the character further, this time as the protagonist, and will place him at the center of things rather than in a supporting role.. RELATED: The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: 10 Hilarious Memes About The Main Characters INFJs who are stressed can effectively turn-off their compassion for a while and move to their inferior thinking function, and its not pretty when that happens. Famous people, characters, movies, anime. Loki then attempted to make an arrangement with Hela, to which she had commented that Loki sounded more like Odin than Thor did. Kick-start your career or get better at navigating it. As part of their plan, Loki then pretended to betray Thor, stabbing him in the side and kicking him off the edge of the cliff. Thor first ensured this really was Loki by throwing a bottle at his head, before Banner noted how they had last seen each other during the Battle of New York, as Loki calmly threatened Banner. [28], In 2025, despite his actions against humanity, cosplayers dressed up as Loki for the first New Jersey AvengerCon.[29]. Do you think his personality and behavior have changed over the years? Though he retrieved his Scepter, Black Widow released Hawkeye from the mind control, and Loki got on board a Quinjet and headed to New York City, where Erik Selvig waited with the Tesseract at Stark Tower where they intended to complete their experiments.[5]. When Kurse threw his Black Hole Grenades into the air towards them, Loki pushed Jane Foster away from it without hesitation. Knowing that Loki was truly dead, Thor did everything he could to kill Thanos and avenge him. Evangeline Lilly who stars as Hope Van Dyne, aka Wasp, joins us live from the premiere of Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, to discuss Hope's journey, and the evolution of the family dynamics in the film. Whether it is an endless need for attention, a humorous quip, or the unfolding of another of his great plans, life is always a performance for Loki. Armed only with his dagger, Loki found himself surrounded but remained confident in his abilities and instantly began planning how to beat them. Robert Downey Jr. was on hand to give a dedication speech. Statistical "Which Character" Personality Quiz, focused on the future (not focused on the present), The survey data used to construct this profile is. . [15], Odin brought Thor and Loki on a visit to Earth, where the Asgardians taught the Norse people their language and culture and displayed their abilities. After the minor battle, they went to the mine where the Cup of Glory was. She's passionate, supportive, and genuinely caring. [6], Loki speaking with Thor down on the Earth. Despite all his talk of Glorious Purpose, he actually doesnt tend to plan beyond vague goals, e.g., take over Earth. If he does manage to obtain a goal, he winds up winging it when he gets there. Enraged Thor slammed his hammer on the ground, causing a shock wave which caused Loki to be knocked backwards.[6]. This caused Thor to send lightning towards them, toppling the mine on top of them. Loki continued to use Gungnir to his advantage, both as a spear and using its energy to shoot at Thor while laughing maniacally every time he managed to outwit and hit his furious brother. , Chronic grip behaviour may lead the individual and others to believe that fierce anger, excessive control of others and the immediate world, and distrust that approaches paranoia are a part of the natural makeup of the INFJ, and that the person has always been that way. The 100 (CW) Characters Alphabet (S1-6) Quiz - By Nikster94.pdf, The 100 (CW) Trivia Crossword Quiz - By Nikster94.pdf, HAWES, James. Upon arriving for his trial, Loki then greeted Frigga and asked if he had finally made her proud, as Frigga begged Loki not to make the situation any worse, although Loki joked that it could not get worse. My goal isnt to continue life as master and ruler, but I desperately need to restore order to my world and if that means taking control, then thats what I want to do. Group: Television [Marvel, Disney+]; Category: Superheroes; 18 characters in Loki (2021) are available for you to type their personalities: Sylvie Laufeydottir, Mobius M. Mobius, He Who Remains. Having been ruling over Asgard for four years while enjoying himself immensely, Loki, still in his Odin disguise, took time out of his day to sit with the Asgardians, eating grapes and watching the play, The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard, which depicted his "death" on Svartalfheim. Loki watched from the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf while the Destroyer arrived on Earth and charged through S.H.I.E.L.D. Loki fired a bolt of energy at the Quinjet, missing, and Captain America threw his shield at him. He threw Thor off a cliff and held Loki by his hammer, but Thor was able to recover and stopped Haldier.[17]. (Earth-21923) House of M an anti-matter dream world. The Grandmaster then sent Loki and Scrapper 142 to complete their task for him. Loki is challenged by a team of Dark Elves, While Thor fought the almighty Kurse as Malekith made his escape on his Ark, Loki was attacked by another group of Dark Elves. There are so many bigger and better things to do. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude - This Scepter'd Isle, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Even now, over a year and a half later, people are still posting new insights and observations on Lokis character. As for quick thinking, Ne is not an in the moment function (thats Se). It is what ultimately tips the scales for people to view Loki as an antihero rather than an outright villain. [2], Loki and Thor both find Odin standing alone. Loki's many lies are confronted by Heimdall, Loki began questioning if Odin had ever feared Heimdall despite his incredible power, to which Heimdall answered that he had not as he was loyal to his king. [5], Loki speaking with and testing Black Widow, As Loki paced in his cell, he was greeted by Black Widow who came to apparently offer a deal in exchange for Clint Barton's freedom. Speaking of which, his most memorable attempt at Fe in Avengers Assemble is getting all excited about manipulating her only for her to turn around and be like yeah nah. Thor and Loki witness the passing of Odin. The main deviation from that is that his goal was leading the Avengers to defeat and ruin (especially Hulk) and making everyone miserable (acting out his shadow). Thor: The Dark World - The Official Game Loki conjuring the Tesseract out of his hand, Loki fighting Berserkers with his daggers, Loki using the Scepter to destroy a Quinjet, Loki pilots an Asgardian Skiff away to safety, Loki sitting inside his Asgardian prison cell. Loki watches the Marauders arrive in prison. Loki's illusion is forced to leave Thor's cell, Loki prepared to leave, Thor blamed him for everything happening to him, scolding him for causing Odin's death and, in turn, his part with releasing Hela from Hel and then causing the deaths of the Warriors Three. And i'm not gonna just say that, i'm also actually giving reasons: The show totally makes fun of how much of a not quick thinker he is, which demonstrates over and over again he has no Ne at all. Marvel Comics. Encanto (2021) MBTI - Movies . Laufey stood over Odin's sleeping body and mocked the King of Asgard as he made an ice blade form in his hand. Loki While telling some of his stories to the amused Sakaarans, Loki was then completely and utterly shocked to discover that Thor was still alive following their encounter with Hela some weeks earlier, although he had been captured by the Grandmaster and was being prepped to face his champion. As the Elves attacked, Loki easily defeated them all by using his speed and trickery to gain the upper hand and kill them before seeing that Thor was struggling to battle Kurse.[7]. The database of MBTI personality types of famous people, movie and anime characters, TV personalities, and many others - Welcome to a personified universe. This from 16 personalities: Consuls are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame. Tom Hiddleston. Since then I have had to work an inordinate amount of overtime and havent been able to write more than just a little here and there. There are 16 personality types according to the MBTI typology. And if you have watched any shows with an ENTP as some sort of Devil, Mischief Maker, Devils advocate etc then you know they have fucking fun with it. Kate Herron directs and Michael Waldron is head writer. Otherwise, he spends his time first trying to win Odins approval by being like Thor, then lashing out at the people who hurt him while trying to discover who he is now that hes no longer Odins son. Thor then offered him Mjlnir, but Loki told him it belongs to him if he is worthy of it, knowing full well that he could not take it from him. When you take into consideration his background and the fact that hes operating out of his inferior function for most of the films, the objections against typing the MCUs Loki as an INFJ dont carry nearly as much weight. Before they could continue the fight, the Tesseract opened the portal in the sky, finally allowing Loki's entire Chitauri army to come pouring through beginning the Chitauri Invasion of Earth. especially Chapter 14 and the koi and cat scene at the beginning. Loki is eventually found and saved by Korg, While Loki had remained stuck on the ground while being constantly shocked, the Sakaaran Rebellion was successful, just as Thor had managed to enter Asgard with both Valkyrie and Bruce Banner. When the group arrived onto Jotunheim, they looked over the barren wasteland planet which had been almost completely devastated by the previous Battle of Jotunheim. However, it turned out that Thor had predicted his brother's betrayal and had quietly placed the Obedience Disk on his back which he had then activated, which had left Loki being shocked on the floor and completely unable to move. Loki looked on as Thor introduced himself as the son of Odin, while Hela commented that he did not look like Odin. 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This website has recruited more than 3 million volunteers to rate characters on descriptive adjectives and other properties, which can be aggregated to create profiles that users can be matched to as part of a personality test. He is the god of Mischief. Once they got inside of the elevator, Loki suggested that he should actually stay in Sakaar, which Thor immediately agreed with as he claimed it fit his lawless and chaotic personality perfectly, much to Loki's surprise. Loki doesnt look like a stereotypical INFJ, but he does act like an INFJ whos been stressed to the breaking point. Although he had appeared calm, this knowledge that the one person who had ever believed and cared for him was gone had sent Loki into a fit of rage and he unleashed a seismic blast of his mystical aura, trashing his cell. !Dionysus c. Apollo d. Demeter. Loki wanted to take over Earth and rule it all. One soldier got up and ran away to which Loki picked up a dagger and tried to throw at him. 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