erik prince wyoming ranch

Prince a former C.I.A. But her picture was on this website. Do we know? DAVIES: Adam Goldman, thank you so much for speaking with us. I don't know. And they would secretly record them, you know, and create content and then eventually, you know, release a video, like they did in several instances. I'm not sure that just because he's a conservative, this is something he wanted to help. DAVIES: They targeted ACORN. Mr. Seddon wrote that Ms. Jorge copied a great many documents from the file room, and Mr. OKeefe bragged that the group would be able to get a ton more access agents inside the educational establishment.. Did it help, you know, Project Veritas raise more money? I mean, we know that Erik Prince was trying to sell a plan to the Trump administration to put these - for him, in fact, to put a private, you know, army of a bunch of mercenaries in Afghanistan and sort of take over those responsibilities from the government, sort of, in some ways, replace the U.S. forces on the ground there. Im not ashamed of the methods that we use or the recordings that we use, he said. DAVIES: And then Beau and Sofia married, right? Good stuff, Mr. Seddon wrote back. DAVIES: You know, the other thing that I wanted to just clarify to the extent I can is how much of a driving force Erik Prince was in this. He recruited a British commando to help - this guy Gaz Thomas, who I guess had knew Seddon through his days at MI6. Set some context for us here. It is unclear how many potential donors Mr. And they targeted a reporter, a Washington - a very good Washington Post reporter named Stephanie McCrummen, who - they picked up on it very, very, very quickly GOLDMAN: And figured out that this woman was not who she said she was. She said the support she got from other teams was 'overwhelming. And, you know, there were a whole range of people they went after. The year after the sting, Democracy Partners sued Project Veritas, and its lawyers have since deposed Mr. OKeefe. Mr. So while Times staff members may vote, they are not allowed to endorse or campaign for candidates or political causes. - and, you know, that probably in terms of, you know, Iran - not pulling out of the agreement with Iran, the JCPOA, and, you know, McMaster, you know, wanting to keep, I guess, troops in Afghanistan. Erik Prince, a political novice and former Navy SEAL who made a fortune in contracting security services to the U.S. Military, said in an interview with Breitbart that he will announce in the coming weeks whether he will challenge Barrasso in the Republican primary. I'm Dave Davies, in for Terry Gross, who's off this week. Part of it involved a rented, rather large house in Georgetown in Washington, D.C., right? Erik Prince, founder of private security contractor Blackwater and brother of former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, recruited a former British spy in 2016 to professionalize the undercover operatives at Project Veritas, the conservative sting video shop run by James O'Keefe, The New York Times reports, citing documents and people involved in the subsequent operations to discredit perceived "deep state" enemies of former President Donald Trump inside the U.S. government. They were, in fact, undercover spies who had been building a cover as eager Democrats when, in fact, they were anything but that. Prince might have approached for money for Mr. Seddons venture besides Ms. Gore. Its among a number of issues and motions that will have to be sorted out before a judge or jury would consider the accuracy of The Intercepts April article. Is that what these interviews were about? You know, was it effective? He was leading training. With @Project_Veritas's special training, we will be the next great intelligence agency. We rely on our journalists to be independent observers. The next year, during a presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump claimed without substantiation that videos released by Mr. OKeefe showed that Mrs. Clinton and President Barack Obama had paid people to incite violence at rallies for Mr. Trump. His willingness to support Mr. Seddons operation is fresh evidence of his engagement in political espionage projects at home during a period when he was an informal adviser to Trump administration officials. And another individual named Barbara Ledeen, who worked for a prominent senator, his committee - Chuck Grassley - she admitted her involvement, and she had actually said she had met with a Project Veritas operative. And it would - you know, and make an enormous amount of money. Prince is separately under investigation by the Justice Department on unrelated matters, according to people familiar with the case. In 2018, an operative working for Project Veritas infiltrated the campaign of Abigail Spanberger, who went on to win a congressional seat. He passed away recently. So he's going to pop up in all sorts of different places. The Times previously reported that, in 2016 and 2017, Mr. (SOUNDBITE OF FRANK ZAPPA'S "EAT THAT QUESTION"). You know, they targeted the teachers unions. '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? Seddon left the project in 2018, before O'Keefe started releasing low-impact "unmasking the deep state" videos. He's, you know, the private military contractor. An attorney for The Intercept reportedly told Princes lawyer in the spring the piece was one in a series of planned articles concerning Mr. Princes activities, though it has not published any further pieces to date. I have always understood him to be a resident of Northern Virginia, the lead writer of The Intercepts April story, Matthew Cole, wrote in a declaration. Regardless, Princes residency is not the real issue in the case. Mr. Seddon directed an undercover operative to secretly tape the unions local leaders and try to gather information that could be made public to damage the organization, documents show. What are traditional political dirty tricks? Richard Seddon, trained conservative operatives first at the Prince family ranch in Wyoming, then at a large, $10,000-a-month house near Georgetown University. The list included John Cox, then the director of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services, and Scott Talbott, then the director of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. And we've written about that. And as the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press summarizes, New York provides absolute protection from forced disclosure of materials received in confidence by a professional journalist, including the identity of a source.. The special counsels report said that Mr. contractor who is best known as the founder of the private military firm Blackwater and whose sister, Betsy DeVos, was Mr. Trump's education secretary has drawn. So they were interviewing people who wanted to become operatives. "He is not registered in Park County or [Wyoming] presently, unless he is not going by Erik Dean Prince and has changed his name," Park County Elections Deputy Pat Cole said in a Sept. 17 email; he said Prince hadn't voted in Wyoming since 2000. McMaster. I'm Dave Davies, in for Terry Gross, who's off this week. GOLDMAN: Well, that's a great question and one we struggle with at the Times in trying to put this in context. Currently, Prince leads a Hong Kong-based firm providing security, logistics, insurance and infrastructure services in parts of Africa and other high-conflict areas. Erik Prince, founder of private . But then January 6 happened, you know, the insurrection. Erik Prince Helped Raise Money for Conservative Spy Venture, His attorney did not provide an on-the-record response to questions about his clients voting history while elections officials in Virginia said any requests for voter information must be made in person, at the location where the individual registered. DAVIES: Adam Goldman is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times. And, you know, typically they would have a male individual working for Project Veritas who would accompany these women on these dates as sort of, like, security. For example, the co-authors of the piece in dispute, Cole and Alex Emmons, say theyre New York and Washington, D.C., residents whove never been to Wyoming. AMY GOODMAN: In Wyoming. The New York Times broke the news of Princes potential run on Oct. 8, 2017, saying hed recently traveled to Wyoming to explore ways to establish residency there., The following day, Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow asked Prince whether the Times report was real or fake news, mentioning, Im not 100% positive on your connection to Wyoming.. It's not clear to us why Prince decided to help Project Veritas. Mr. He's proposed similar things in other countries, hasn't he? In 2016, a Project Veritas operative infiltrated Democracy Partners using a fake name and fabricated rsum and made secret recordings of the staff. GOLDMAN: Well, they - you know, they - Beau is from Cody, Wyo., so he had some Wyoming roots. GOLDMAN: Well, I think it was - our latest story revealed, you know, at least one person who had been working for the Democrats thought that Sofia likely might have gotten some damaging information about Democratic efforts to help, you know, moderate Republicans. DAVIES: Did any of them have opinions about whether these two had done damage? Mr. DAVIES: This is FRESH AIR, and our guest is Adam Goldman. But, you know, over 18, they - it grew closer. Last year, the group received a $1 million contribution made through the law firm Alston & Bird, a financial document obtained by The New York Times showed. But what is clear is if Beau and Sofia made these campaign contributions - right? NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Reaching out to several intelligence veterans and occasionally using Mr. Seddon to make the pitch Mr. And they said, well, you know, she worked for Project Veritas. Park County records show he also skipped Augusts primary election, but Prince said he had intended to vote in Wyoming this year. Prince said he learned he wasnt registered when I went to cast my early vote for the general election in late September. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. She and Mr. However, in all of the 74 campaign donations hes made since 2002 including a $3,042.86 donation to the Wyoming Republican Party in 2016 Prince has been identified with a Virginia address. How Times reporters cover politics. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Mr. Seddon used other former Project Veritas employees to help with the Wyoming operation, including James Artherton, a British operative code-named kimchi who was involved in a Project Veritas plan targeting an editor for The New York Times in London in 2017. MATTHEW COLE: In. What were they trying to get? This is FRESH AIR. DAVIES: Let's talk about some of the people who are behind this. So we had never seen something like that. And I certainly don't think he thought he was going to get dragged into this. Prince turned to Mr. Seddon to help train the Project Veritas operatives. Read more about the operation and its cast of characters at The New York Times. Over two years, Mr. Seddons undercover operatives also developed networks in Colorado and Arizona, and made thousands of dollars in campaign donations posing as Democrats, both to the Democratic National Committee and individual campaigns. He's been reporting on an effort by conservatives to train operatives in undercover operations to infiltrate progressive groups and Democrats. Prince submitted his own declaration to presiding U.S. District Judge Alan Johnson in September, disputing The Intercepts reporting and laying out some of his bona fides as a Wyomingite. I mean, if the idea was to get inside information, which would be useful to, you know, Republicans and conservatives, did they succeed? You know, you say in one of these stories, this operation's use of spy craft to manipulate the politics of several states over the years greatly exceeds the tactics of traditional political tricks operations. Prince registered to vote in Park County back in 1992, but that registration lapsed after he failed to vote in the countys 2002 elections, according to county records. This is when there was the special Senate election in Alabama, right? But what we know is there was an arrangement made, and Erik Prince allowed Project Veritas to use his farm to train its operatives. DAVIES: Right. Prince has previously been involved in trying to find dirt on Democratic politicians. Erik Prince, the former head of Blackwater Worldwide and the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, has at times served as an informal adviser to Trump administration officials. Remind us who they are and what they've done. The McMaster operation was aborted after he, unrelated to Project Veritas, resigned under pressure from Trump. He said that numerous sources were coming to the group providing confidential documents, insights into internal processes and wearing hidden cameras to expose corruption and misconduct.. However, he ultimately did not challenge Barrasso in 2018 nor did he vote in those off-year elections, Prince acknowledged in Octobers revised declaration. GOLDMAN: What - the training they got was when they worked for an outfit called Project Veritas. They broke into the DNC. Published October 16, 2017. if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); GOLDMAN: You know, individuals - we're not exactly sure who was behind this effort - but it's clear that they believe that, you know, H.R. And this photo of James O'Keefe, who's, you know, the founder of Project Veritas, firing a weapon with a silencer, apparently, at Erik Prince's ranch - were they being trained in firearms there? (SOUNDBITE OF BRUNO COULAIS' "SPINK AND FORCIBLE"). One target in particular was Gov. GOLDMAN: Well, again, this is a little murky. So while Times staff members may vote, they are not allowed to endorse or campaign for candidates or political causes. But we were unaware of that. One of the people involved in the McMaster plot was Barbara Ledeen, a longtime Republican staffer on the Senate Judiciary Committee before retiring, she says, earlier this year. She went to meetings. GOLDMAN: Yeah. And this is FRESH AIR. Prince also allowed Project Veritas to use his familys Wyoming ranch for training. And then, you know, they both end up giving to the DNC. DAVIES: So he is the guy who hires this British spy, Richard Seddon, to train operatives to, you know, gather intelligence from, you know, Democrats and progressives. In an archived version of her LinkedIn page, Ms. Jorge wrote she had a deep interest in the conservative movement and hoped one day to serve on the Supreme Court after attending law school. GOLDMAN: I think - yeah, I think the latest is - you know, he's worked - his latest adventure is in Libya. Many conservatives have gleefully pounced on Project Veritass disclosures, including one particularly influential voice: Donald Trump Jr., the presidents eldest son. DAVIES: When Richard Seddon and Erik Prince got connected with Veritas and cooperated on some of these operations, what was the effect on Veritas? GOLDMAN: It's not clear to me. GOLDMAN: Yes, the Government Accountability Office. It also seems, to me, murky. Mr. The documents give new details about efforts to manipulate the politics of Wyoming. That includes a pair of donations he made in March and October, in which he apparently listed his address as a post office box in Middleburg, Virginia. Were just trying to hold them accountable for this industrial espionage.. If you would like to purchase a subscription click here. DAVIES: That's the Government Accountability Office. That same day Oct. 9, 2017 Prince obtained a Wyomings drivers license, which he touted in another interview with Breitbart a few days later. Those contentions have become a key point of early proceedings in the case. Prince said he should have named a different company Moyock Medical Supplies LLC as an example of an entity he owns thats registered to his address in Wapiti. Citing his ties to the state, his attorneys opted to file Princes defamation case against The Intercept in Wyomings U.S. District Court in May. 1-307-754-2221. Anyone can read what you share. And, you know, these were - they were not really long-term operations. Project Veritas has said its activities are legal and protected by the First Amendment, and the case is scheduled to go to trial in the fall. However, after the Powell Tribune questioned some apparent inaccuracies in his Sept. 16 statement, Prince acknowledged misstating a couple of his connections to the state. Oct. 21, 2020. Along with gathering intel, Maier and LaRocca sought to bait individuals associated with Better Wyoming into making statements they could secretly record and hand over to their clients. Let me reintroduce you. Funneling money surreptitiously to campaigns through other donors known as straw man donations would violate federal campaign finance laws. Valued at roughly $12 million by the Park County Assessors Office, the property includes a 17,470-square-foot residence that ranks among the largest in the area; county records show Prince owns a smaller home on an adjoining 10-acre parcel. This is FRESH AIR. Why did they want to embarrass him and get him out of the government? The Defense Department didn't go for it. One February 2019 report said that a new undercover will be joining the team and tasked with targeting Mr. Harshman. He comes in late '16 or '17 - around that time period. You know, this is something we haven't seen, right? But, you know, O'Keefe brags on the Instagram photo that they're going to be the world's best intelligence agency - I believe that's what it says - not the world's best journalists. This is FRESH AIR. The parties are currently awaiting a ruling from Judge Johnson, who could choose to allow the case to proceed in Wyoming; permit some more limited fact-gathering about the appropriate jurisdiction; transfer the case to New York; or throw it out entirely. And we all sort of wracked our brains to try to figure out if, like, has this been done before? The plan was reportedly to send a female operative to Tosca, a restaurant McMaster frequented, to engage him in drinks and conversation and record him disparaging Trump or making other inappropriate remarks on camera. However, lawyers for the publication say they should not have to reveal who told them about Princes alleged meeting with Wagner Group or where they were told it occurred. They were, in fact, going to use a former Project Veritas operative named Tarah Price, who lives in the Dallas area, to, you know, possibly ensnare McMaster at a restaurant, get him to say something ill toward or maybe negative about Trump, something that would compromise him. You know, she used that to hobnob with people. On Sept. 30, Prince personally visited the Park County Elections Office, registered and cast a general election ballot, according to the clerks office. He'll be back to talk more about his stories on undercover operations by conservatives to infiltrate democratic and progressive groups after this short break. And then they married last week. Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, a private security contractor firm used extensively by the administration of George W Bush, is said to be "seriously considering" challenging Wyoming. Erik Prince, the failson face of privatized war If the face long associated with modern mercenaries were more successful at his business, we might already live in a much more dystopian world. Wyoming is not the place for security contractor Erik Prince to sue a New York-based publication, a federal judge says. She actually got a contract fundraising gig with the Democrats, right? And then Mark Mazzetti, you know, my colleague, who just is an extraordinary journalist, we - you know, we managed to suss out what was going - we think - to a great degree what was going on in Wyoming and these other states. Reached by phone, Ms. Halverson said: Frankly, I have nothing to say on the subject. She then hung up. GOLDMAN: Yeah, I would say an active - sure, an active player in certain parts of Trump's world, yeah, or conservative - the conservative world. It was Maria (ph). Prince took on the role of celebrity pitchman, according to interviews and documents, raising money for Mr. Seddons spying operation, which was aimed at gathering dirt that could discredit politicians and activists in several states. But Trump would, from time to time, cite Project Veritas videos in his, you know, comments, public comments and speeches, right? GOLDMAN: Yeah, and the Justice Department prosecuted a number of individuals. McMaster? One of the documents indicates that Marti Halverson, a former Wyoming state lawmaker, provided a list of people for the operatives to target. And it's not clear to us if he was making any money off of this. People have probably heard of this organization. And, of course, that was an entree into a larger circle of prominent Democrats. (Last week, Trump pardoned the four Blackwater guards who were convicted of crimes in connection with the killings in Baghdad.). And it all kind of went south when the Post exposed it. DAVIES: Right. In 2018, Ms. Jorge infiltrated the congressional campaign of Ms. Spanberger, posing as a campaign volunteer. There was a meeting at lunch which led to a resignation, I believe, of GOLDMAN: They targeted our editor, Dean Baquet. He's a former British intelligence officer who served in Washington, D.C., and in Pakistan and eventually leaves the British Secret Intelligence Service and develops some relationship with Erik Prince, a security contractor, and ends up being director of field operations at the conservative group known as Project Veritas. These two are conservatives, right? Is this stuff a crime? Erik Prince, founder of the private security firm Blackwater, filed a defamation lawsuit against The Intercept last month over an article published in 2020 that examined his efforts to sell. And they would find people, and they would go out with them. They need some spy training and covert military, paramilitary training at his ranch. I know that, you know, one of the first instances of his association with this - or maybe the first instance of his association - was in an Intercept article in which O'Keefe had posted a picture of himself firing a pistol with a silencer on Instagram. GOLDMAN: I believe that O'Keefe has interacted with Trump. Erik Prince, a Park County resident and founder of the controversial private military firm Blackwater, is suing a national news organization in federal court in Wyoming after it published an. We know that political operatives will gather opposition research as it's called - right? We still don't know everything about it, and we're trying to learn more about exactly who was behind this and if money was paid and so on. And her picture wasn't her name GOLDMAN: It was a fake name, Maria. She was involved in that. They targeted NPR. While the state is currently solidly Republican, Mr. Seddon and Ms. Gore believed it was in danger of turning toward the Democrats, as Colorado has. But, yeah, this kind of actual infiltration and spying, I don't think I've run across that. GOLDMAN: Well, I don't know if he is primarily the guy. According to the documents, Mr. Seddons operatives also aimed to dig up information on Steve Harshman, the Republican speaker of the House in Wyoming at the time, who was also seen by some conservatives as not sufficiently supportive of Mr. Trump. Their reporting on the department won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting. if (document.MAX_used != ',') document.write ("&exclude=" + document.MAX_used); He was asked whether he had provided any of the groups secret recordings of Democracy Partners to the Republican National Committee or any member of the Trump family. And last year, I learned that Beau and Sofia had been working out of this house in Georgetown. She was attending, you know, Democratic fundraisers. Of course, everybody's familiar with Watergate, right? We rely on our journalists to be independent observers. I mean, people did shoot guns. And it's a fascinating story. if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); Prince have ties to President Trumps aides and family. I also think that - I think recently, too, O'Keefe, did a photo op or made a video with Donald Trump. In August 2017, Ms. Jorge wrote to Mr. Seddon that she had managed to record a local union leader talking about Ms. DeVos and other topics. All rights reserved. Prince had hired a former MI6 officer to help train the Project Veritas operatives, The Intercept wrote, but it did not identify the officer. @ Project_Veritas 's special training, we will be joining the team and tasked with targeting Mr. Harshman went to! To embarrass him and get him out of the methods that we use, he said used to... He had some Wyoming roots military contractor were a whole range of they. Whether these two had done damage the next great intelligence agency fake name fabricated... 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