deliverance from spirit of anxiety

The Spirit of Deception is from the devil. In Jesus name amen. Dear Lord, I thank you that I can come to You always for any reason. Required fields are marked *. Christian Counselors, Deliverance Ministry and Spiritual Warfare. Faith is a fact, but faith is an act. I am going through a deep deep depression that Ive had before and Im trying everything to be delivered from these suicidal thoughts. Hi..maybe ask her to analyse her intense emotion that makes her want to self hurt,once she realises what she wanted to do is self hurt, realisation itself can help reduce the feeling of wanting to hurt selfask her to be kind to herself and says its ok when she wants to self hurt,over time it will be lesser and lesser the more awareness you have to it,at same time ask her to pray for deliverannce but she has to be strong in faith..she can do that by prayers and study bible and follow the laws in bible and do confessionsand she can take up some physical hobby like sports .. Thank you so much Learn more about our team of Christian counselors. You are not alone ! If He did it for me, He can do it for you. Hallelujah . God never fails to change someones life for the better. I can rememberfalling to my knees in my home and begging God to set me free. (Isaiah 43:1, NKJV), You dont deal with a negative by focusing on it. I have prayed through my home over and over asking telling the devil to lose hold of my son JaVontae because he is worthy he was brought up in a charge home he cant have what isnt of him . Deliverance from oppressive spirit(s)! Im very sorry to hear this. As long as satan can keep you crippled in fear, the plans and purposes that God has for you will be thwarted. Power over fear, power over destruction, power over ALL the power of the enemy. And the lie tries its hardest by making you believe its not leaving. Its very subtle at first, and each time, it may be a different spirit, trying a new technique on me. YOU my dear are the one with POWER over depression. Once you understand what you are truly dealing with, it is much oh so much easier to nip in the bud, rather than being a victim with no way out. Trauma is EMOTIONAL damage, which many faith practitioners fail to recognize. Talking about it helps. Here is a video I made. Understand, it DOES work. Sending a big hug . He IS who he says he is. I am sorry to say i know who this person is who it originated from on this article, posing as one needing help, because i get so very few emails on this particular email address i use. Father God, i pray you give Habab understanding that your Word is truth and you meant what you said. Amazing how powerful our words and confidence in Christ is! No matter your circumstances, God hears your cry and has delivered you from sickness to health, from darkness to light. Back in July of 1983, I turned my back on the Catholic Church. Praise God!!!! Launch a hub or join a hub And finally in Ephesians 6 after you have your armor on, it says. Habib , I pray for you in the name of Jesus. How do you know if the Holy Spirit has left you? You can speak to Candis or George Boligun. No more wishy washy doubt, not even an inch. My email address is Jesus told the priest Nicodemus he had to be born again. Hes not angry at you, but at the enemy who has ensnared you. Thank you for posting this. He wants you to comprehend what he has already given you. There are a couple of videos on there. Then in August 2018, severe anxiety returned, which I have put down to withdrawal effects from Paroxetine, the prescribed medication, that I started in about the year 20O1. read it through, and then just read the highlighted words. 1. The quicker I come to You the better. can anybody help me here, i am going through major depression which i think i can not fight it, i have been with it for 20 years now and each day is getting worse and worse, i need help because i have thoughts of committing suicide, i do not sleep peaceful anymore, its really worse, my appetite is even gone. The problem is, that this hidden enemy, has a habit of creeping upon you slowly and undetected, and before you know it, youve fallen into deep despair. Just know youre not alone in this struggle. I suggest a YouTube search to start. If you like, you can call this Ministry of Profetic Prayer Clinic. Many give up at this point. Anniee, just read your message bless your heart. I do believe there is situational, and spiritual depression but we are not doctors nor are we God. Remind me that I can trust in you. There is no worry too small for Him. Then when the refrigerator breaks down you just write a check for it and begin to replenish what you have spent. I taught about various aspects of the nature of fear: it is a thief that seeks to rob us of Gods promises and our destiny; it is a liar that falsely promises to protect us from the things of which we are afraid; and it is a spirit that seeks to torment us. Paul explains this later in 1 Corinthians 14 when he says, Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. (1 Corinthians 14:26). A guideline by which one can use to set them free from whatever stronghold has set itself up against them because of what oppression, abuse, or, mistreatment in their life may have caused them.Pulling down emotional strongholds of fear, anxiety, unworthiness, depression etc. Please release me from these anxious thoughts and help me see Your gifts. Recognizing the identity of an enemy is a tremendous first step, but then it must be fought. I bind and take authority over the strongmen of rejection and rebellion and separate them in the name of Jesus. Allowing the enemys lies to become your narrative makes you a food source for demons of anxiety. 20 Commonly Asked Questions About Demons - Answers You Need to Bind and Cast Out Demons, Heal the Sick, and Experience Breakthrough. Dear Lord, help me trust You, consent to Your healing, and spend time in Your Word and in prayer. I am praying right now for Ryan. Thats when i see miracles because, he said,,,,,MY POWER IS MADE PERFECT IN YOUR WEAKNESS. Dont wander around in the wilderness for 10 more years. Amen everyone and God bless. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I have no neighbours. Is everyone speaking in tongues at once? I Thabk God for creating us. With regard to the other gifts, I have found that if the circumstances are there, you find youll operate in a certain gift. I did this once in a showdown with anxiety and kept saying, you must leave right now. Just as you wouldnt allow just anyone come into your house, dont let him push you around. as his parents as mother Martha slatton zeman and his father John zeman and his sister deloreszemans and his wife as in her husband as as our mom and dad. Yea, in all these things we are more than conquerors . Jesus said in Mark chapter 16, And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. (Mark 16:17-18). )It was the turning point for me, especially the part where David writes I can leap over a wall. Regardless of what doctors say, depression is a spirit. and ashamed that Ive let Satan blind fold me into thinking that God almighty was to distant to hear my cry or worse that he didnt want to deliver me. Deliverance From the Spirit of Anxiety. Your Word assures me that You are always there with me. Virtuous Woman Exposed Day 20 10 Ways to Stay Free From Fear. Take personal communion, and take your Bible touching your four walls. Required fields are marked. I also had to come to terms with the silence not understanding what on earth is going on. This helps get oxygen into your muscles that helps you to relax. what makes it feel better? The truth is its you who has power over it. Therefore if the whole church comes together in one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those who are uninformed or unbelievers, will they not say that you are out of your mind? (1 Corinthians 14:23), I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all; yet in the church I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that I may teach others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue. (1 Corinthians 14:18-19). If He think it not proper to remove sufferings from them, He will remove them from suffering. I HOPE SO!!! Tampa, FL 33618, Clearwater, Florida The Lord is your deliverer. After that bill is paid do not look at the money as extra income. My prayer for you.. I thank you that you care about the things that we care about, and that you are our source of peace in the midst of the storms. Teach me Your ways to respond to problems by giving thanks in them. You are complete in Him. I understand how hard it is to feel that. He also says in that verse, i have given you the spirit of a SOUND MIND. This was funny though. Can u pray for me and tell me how to stand on God word for Fear,etc. Hello my name is Tiny my nickname. He knew we were all going to deal with a spirit of fear. If you are not a believer in Jesus, accept Jesuss gift for eternal life into your heart. You can pour out your heart to Him. I have been experiencing this too and I hope you read this to let the pain youre feeling out. Once the host is taken captive the spirit begins to apply mental or physical pressure until their subject gives in due to physical weariness and or lack of air.Personally, I have seen people with octopus spirits manifest during deliverance various ways. I knew this was a battle, sheesh!, it was a battle to shower, drive, spend time with people, to be at church, of course it was a battle. Take the smallest bill you have and focus on paying it off first. You as a child of God received the Holy Spirit when you believed on Christ Jesus. I ask him to allow me to park over him but its like battling with that spirit of the enemy so I have to walk away call on Jesus . I know I can't do this on my own. Occasionally, I feel so much anxiety it makes me want to scream but I use the coping methods and get through it. What? LET YOUR DEPENDENCY IN JESUS INCREASE. God will somehow work this together for my good. In Jesus name amen. Two weeks later she went home. (Related article: How to receive the Holy Spirit and Speak in Tongues (Explained)). The Solution to Fear (Part 1): How God Delivered Me from Fear. They introduce death, greed, misfortune, suspicion, anxiety, mental illness . Thank you for prayers.they are so much needed. A one on one with Him, and not through a priest. Your interpretation that not everyone will speak in tongues reveals to me you already dont believe it, so all likelihood it wont happen to you. #orphanspirit #jenniferleclaire #morningswiththeholyspirit #deliverance, Do you need to repent? I often pray and beg God I do believe, help me in my unbelief! What is the conclusion then? paranoia. Which means, youre not only going to win this battle, you are going to gain from it! Ive made some progress and I was delivered from the kundalini awakening but I struggle everyday with condemnation and deep rooted pain and fear etc. There has been no intimate contact outside of hugs over this period of time. Let me explain. Your post has inspired me to stay. While unpleasant, I know that pain serves a purpose in the life of a Christian. Make sure to get your copy! Their body doesnt produce insulin properly and therefore they must take insulin. When you give up trying to get delivered and just get to know and understand how special and how much you are loved by your Father God the depression will start to go. He is Strong, and because of this, I CAN do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. 25 Feb/23. 37I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them; Neither did I turn back again till they were destroyed. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, CONNECT, TO BLESS OUR SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT Facebook Official Page: That only makes things worse. So i pressed in even more how God gave me power over all its power. The gift of speaking in tongues is clearly what Jesus was referring to here. Anxiety and OCD has ruled my life for years. You use the Word against him, quote it boldly. The severe panic attacks went away and I learned some practical ways of coping. Not even your mind, or your harmful thoughts, or your weird thoughts, or your irrational fears! 11. Does the knowledge that satan has a plan to torment you make you angry? Keep praying. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. (1 Corinthians 14:13-14). He loves you more than our human heart and mind can express and understand. Calm my thoughts and emotions and open my heart to your peace, comfort, and wisdom. I hope you are doing better? nothing changes. I have been free from depression ever since then except for some very small minor bouts. During a Gospel Campaign in Southeast Asia, a woman experienced a tremendous deliverance. He is whispering in your ear that you are perishing, and I am here to tell you as a victorious survivor of the battle, that its a lie. IT WILL LEAVE. Ill check back in a week or so When I was stronger, I fastedand it was always effective. Is everyone healing the sick at once? In the latter verse I quoted, Paul said that he spoke in tongues more than the entire church in the city of Corinth. I did not say that if anyone doesnt speak in tongues they havent got the Holy Spirit. Lord, I come to you and I thank you for drawing near to me when I draw near to you. My friends, Satan has you deceived. Addressing the common objections in 1 Corinthians 12 She was asking God for healing from anxiety and depression, knowing that this was not His best for her. Poverty is a mindset set up my the enemy. I would be denying what God did for me. Then they make a mental agreement that it doesnt work. Not trying to be harsh, but attempting to show you what God said he already did for you. Believe you have power over it. Drive yourself along the highway, motorway or wherever you live. Look, he made an everlasting covenant with you. He is angered by your captivity. In the name of Jesus I bind the spirit of worry, stress, fear & anxiety over your people and . It says when trial or tribulation arises BECAUSE OF THE WORDS SAKE, it produced no fruit. S, I am your mother deloreszemans I am so very happy for you and your husband two hear that you as my daughter and kir as your husband is having a baby I new that you and husband can have a baby I still do have that lots of love inside of my heart for you and your husband and your kids my love will never I will forever have that love inside of my heart for you and your husband and your kids grandkids but dont do not come over down yet not yet until I say two come over down visit not dont do not come over down until I tell you two come over down visit me I will let you know when I will tell you when not just yetI will text you we can text talk until I tell you when its time to come over down visit me not dont come over down visit me not until I tell you when its time to come over down visit me I will let you know when it time for you to come over down visit me, Pray for my parents as my mom and dad that they will get lots of real cash money cash to pay there monthly payment pay there monthly payments on their monthly payments bills each month two months every month the same goes for us as me deloreszemans and my brother Willam Billys zeman his wife and my daughter latosha honea zeman and her husband kir and her brother Carl honea zeman as my son as theres.mother as deloreszemans You can schedule a phone appointment (its Free) @ (956)792-8154 YOU will have fought, and YOU will have won, and YOU will be stronger than ever before. Thank you again for your prayers. I had never opened the door (of my heart) before, because I didnt know I had to. We are blessed to have a growing number of counseling clients who have seen the power of Christ in their lives. Fighting a spirit is warfare. God Bless you and your family. I let go and take my fleshly hands off it,,,,and THATS when i see Him move miraculously in my life. Please pray for me tombe delivered from this spirit. Gods hand over us is so powerful and so are the medications he gave us the free will to make. Through faith in something . I have been battling anxiety and depression most of my adult life, for decades. In Ezekiel Chapter 28:13-14, there is a description of Satan as the most beautiful angel with nine stones woven into his garments. Look at all his promises, just pick one and stand ur ground. So, if you are someone struggling with life right now, you must know that there is always light waiting for you at the end. 39. Love, For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Delivered from the Spirit of Fear. You going to believe the enemy with his lying symptoms? I just wanna curl up and die. Gods love is the crucial ingredient. rejections. YOU SHALL RECEIVE POWER AFTER THE HOLY GHOST IS COME UPON YOU. It seems like God is not doing anything I simply say i cant do this,,,take over! Easier said then done I know It was a humbling experience to learn to be human. Give it your best song and dancebecause I DONT BELIEVE YOU no matter how big and bad you feel. I have more miracles happen when i am at the bottom of my rope and finally admit i cant strive anymore. March 24, 2018 Emily-Rose Lewis. Please leave your email address in reply and then we can talk further. I trust you with my panic and I know that you have the power to take it all away. Please pray that I will be more than a conqueror in Jesus Christ who loves me. Shall you not know it? Praying for you. I was deceived by false teachers and ended up with a kundalini awakening and then when I realized I had been deceived I went off the deep end and ran from God for years and Ive been trying to get back ever since. One of my favorite songs for people suffering from Anxiety and depression is the following, The spirit of depression is an alien entity that invades your mind and drags you to the pit. Rebuke the spirit in name Jesus. So many circumstances happened over The last several years where several people unbeknownst to me or him had mentioned him to me or me to him Suggesting that we needed to meet each other. I have a book published called The God Ultimatum. When I started to seek the Lord for insight into the nature of the Octopus spirit . 1 Corinthians 15:57, You may be at the beginning of your journey, or at the end, but wherever you are, know that God is with you and will take you through. Let him know how you feel and continue to praise and worship at the hardest times Your total income represents 100%. In fact, God has given me power over YOU! God loves you! bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit bible verses for deliverance from marine spirit (No Ratings Yet) . Blake Healy sees in the spirit. She lost her best friend in an untimely way to a short battle with cancer. Gods Word is truth, he meant what he said. Please dont lose hope. Thank you so much. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 The Lord your savior is a wonderful deliverer. I would attend bible study and I was that crazy lady on her knees praying out loud. 4. I seek to be free from these fears but I seek first whatever God wants. It does work. You are his little girl and hes got this. I am lifting you up in prayer! What people fail to realize is that Paul is addressing how the church should organize themselves when they come together. People wonder, as I did, why when they pray they dont get an answer. You are an inspiration. know how I suffer. Fear can be a natural human emotion, but it can also come from a demonic spirit: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7, emphasis added . Hi Sabina, An Octopus spirit is a ruling spirit that is operating in conjunction with various tentacles, which are demonic spirits and sins of the flesh. Colossians 1:13 WHO HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. Jesus promised never to leave us or forsake us. Almighty God, You know what I need before I even ask and You know how ignorant I am. I would add that I am 77 years old, but with a young wife and a son of 14. Thank You for . Lashawn, please read what i just posted to Bethanyfor your daughter. The Spirit He gave us is a SPIRIT OF POWERRRRRR. And I realize the guilt makes it difficult to get closer to Him. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. Wash me thoroughly with the blood of your Son Jesus and cleanse me from the effects of drugs and alcohol. God says he HAS blessed you with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Habib, God has made numerous promises to you. Standing on the Word of God is faith. The devil persistently attempts to deceive that he has power over you that leaves you frightful as you seek a way out, wondering why God isnt answering. Physical love and touch is something we cannot obtain from God directly. Anxiety is a specific form of fear that can paralyze and torment people. You will then recognise what this spirit is intending to do, and its operating technique, so you have the power to negate it. Ohhhh Lord, theres nothing I can do.. but you are the God of our Salvation. I ask for direction and insight into decisions but receive no personal instruction. It will come. Learn how your comment data is processed. Then i began having chest pain like a heart attack. Dont let the enemy come around with those feelings and symptoms. I begged God for deliverance from anxiety. It is a spirit lying to you. 7. The Bible alone will not be enough to cast out this spirit. Dont get up and walk away thinking it doesnt work, because it DOES work. If this has not happened to you, I would suggest it is because you misinterpret the scripture and now lack faith. When I am weak. I rebuke this anxiety right now. My perspective on suffering has changed. Believe that He died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead three days later. Jesus said this kind only comes out through prayer and fasting. I just accepted I was a Catholic and that was it! Rachel began to take her relationship with God more seriously and allow her identity in Christ to be her foundation. You need people praying for you! Once again God rescued me and set my feet back on solid ground. I have someone in my life that is going through depression. The times you dont want to are the best He is now 20 who he was so very close to she passed in her home with us there . We keep asking for things he has already done. Call in the troops! To keep on. He will tell you that you have angels with you and a demon lying to you. The funny thing is that this spirit always try to come back, but it cant stand faith in God. God wants us to be real towards him in our prayers. I realized he already gave it to me, that means i HAVE IT NOW! I have had so much love in my heart for him almost from the beginning that I could not even wrap my head around it . I believe God! #fakeprofile #jenniferleclaire, A Prayer for Strength. Oyyy. Maria, I commit Briggett to you and ask you to take over her walk with you. Daily and regular basis. In the Lord I believe he can move mountains by faith I believed for my mom and I have Hope & faith to get my son back that I know . There are occasions as missionaries, when the disciples spoke in tongues and people of other languages heard them speak in their own language. Amen. Of course not. Take your Bible and place it on the four walls of your home. It was the heart that allowed the Word to go DEEP DOWN that produced the fruit. do pray that God and Jesus and the holy angels and holy ghost and holy spriti will come down from sky heaven come in side of our house take out the devil Saten take out all bad evil devil bad evil bad evil bad words evil bad minds thinking bad stuff things bad evil bad break ing up marriage s and evil bad drugs and evil bad evil bad break ing up family relationship in family relationship and evil bad drinking beer party s and evil bad devil Saten betweens mother and fother s and daughter s and sons and bother s and sisters and for God and Jesus and holy angels two take out the devil Saten out of the house were the devil Saten were the devil Saten never ever ever ever come back into the house pray for God Jesus angel holy ghost and holy spriti will do come over down from sky heaven come over inside of my brother Willam Billys zeman home come into my brother wife body come inside of Has power over you through, and then we can talk further - Answers you need to repent drive along. 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