deerfield academy endowment

BLOOMER LACROSSE FUNDEstablished in 2015 by Thomas Bloomer 49 for the benefit of lacrosse. WEBSTER FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Mr. and Mrs. James G. Webster III 51, parents of James IV 76, D. Reed 79, Stephen 81 and Kate, to honor their friend, Benjamin Franklin Dacus. McMANEMIN FAMILY FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished by Megan and Casey McManemin P17 in honor of their daughter Audrey and the Class of 2017, this endowed fund supports the Academy in its effort to attract and admit the most dynamic and qualified applicants. JAMES S. SCHOFF P51, 55 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 with a bequest from James Schoff, father of James S. Jr. 51 and Peter M. Schoff 55. CLASS OF 2006 FUND FOR GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING IN HONOR OF ERIC WIDMER AND MEERA VISWANATHANEstablished in 2006 by the Senior Parents in honor of the Class of 2006, the fund supports international projects and experiences for students. WIDMER LEGACY FACULTY COMPENSATION FUNDEstablished in 2005 with gifts from alumni, parents and friends in honor of Meera Viswanathan and Eric Widmer 57, the fund honors Erics accomplishments as Headmaster 1994-2006 and supports independent study and professional development for Deerfield faculty. HENRY E. WARREN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from Henry E. Warren, class of 1901. THOMAS MIDDLETON LEVIS MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1960 by Thomas M. Levis Jr. 53 in memory of his father, the fund supports the librarys purchase of literature. PAUL G. SANDERSON JR. 48P INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1987 by David Sanderson 72 in memory of his father Paul Jr. 48, the fund assists a student from outside the United States. CHARLES SAMUEL POTEE AWARD FOR CALCULUSEstablished in 1991 by Mrs. Joanne Koch Potee in memory of her son Charles 82 and increased with gifts from family, classmates and friends. Eaglebrook School is accredited by the Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE). FREDERICK C. PEW SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1981 with a bequest from Frederick C. Pew 23. FRANCIS A. HARRINGTON 28P SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1988 by the Francis A. and Jacquelyn H. Harrington Foundation. POSTGRADUATE FUNDEstablished through the generosity of William M. Kuharich 72, this endowed fund will be used to support financial aid needs, with preference for postgraduates. Copyright 2022 The Trustees of Deerfield Academy Privacy Policy. COLLESTER SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1985 by S. Munroe Collester 42 to aid students with an interest in the physical sciences. J. FRANCIS GOREY FUNDEstablished in 1955 by Julius Wetstone, parent of Barrie 56, in memory of J. Francis Gorey, Class of 1912. YAU FAMILY CHAIR IN CHINESE STUDIESEstablished in 2006 by Cecilia and Sonny Tai Nin Yau 68, parents of Frederick 93 and Nicholas 95, this Chair will support a member of the faculty who promotes Chinese language, history and/or culture. FRANK DAHOWSKI MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1989 in memory of Frank R. Dahowski Jr. 28, a loyal son and friend of Deerfield. HELEN CHILDS BOYDEN FUNDEstablished in 1989 by Steven C. Rockefeller 54 to support the transition to coeducation and ongoing needs in this area. WHITTON FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Linda and John Whitton III, parents of Lindsey 01, Cricket 04, Bea 09, and Libby 12, this endowed fund will be used to support financial aid for deserving Deerfield students. ELIZABETH DAVIS DWIGHT FUNDEstablished in 1948 with a bequest from Mrs. Elizabeth Davis Dwight. PANG FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Dominic Pang 90 and the Pang Family, this endowed fund will provide unrestricted support to meet the Academys greatest needs. PONG MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Dario Chiu-Yee Pong 87 in memory of his mother, this endowed fund will provide faculty support, specifically for Chinese language faculty. DR. CLARA M. GREENOUGH FUNDEstablished in 1963 with a bequest from Dr. Clara M. Greenough, this fund supports the scholarship needs of Deerfield Academy students. JOHN S. HILSON 43 CHAIR IN THE FINE ARTSEstablished in 1994 with a bequest from John S. Hilson 43, Deerfield trustee and father of Dwight R. 75 and William E. Hilson 73. ANTHONY ATWELL 53 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2011 by Anthony Atwell 53, this fund supports scholarship assistance with preference given to students with the greatest need. Signed letters to the editor that express legitimate opinions are welcomed. In recognition of this support, the architecture program may award an annual Dessauer Architecture Prize to a student or students who show particular interest or promise in the field. WONG FAMILY ENDOWED FUNDEstablished in 2013 through the generosity of the Wong Family, this fund is designated for unrestricted endowment. FIRST RETIRED FACULTY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Arthur H. Ruggles Jr. 33, Deerfield faculty 1937-1970, father of Arthur H. Terry Ruggles III 62, grandfather of Scott Ruggles 88, this scholarship fund honors faculty who participated in the First Retired Faculty Lunch and supports a Deerfield day student. MAY ROCKWELL PAGE FUNDEstablished in 1960 with a bequest from Mrs. May Rockwell Page, great aunt of Rockwell B. ELIZABETH CARR HOSMER FUNDEstablished in 1984 with a bequest from Elizabeth Carr Hosmer, wife of Cameron B. Hosmer 37. SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished through the estate of David B. Findlay Jr. 51 P76 G03,05,08, this endowed fund will be used to support financial aid needs, with preference for disadvantaged minority students from inner cities. HENRY N. FURNALD SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1959 by family and friends in memory of Henry N. Furnald Jr. 35. CLASS OF 1950 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1999 with gifts in memory of deceased classmates at the time of their 50th reunion. SUSANTO FAMILY FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished through the generosity of the Susanto Family, this endowed fund will be used to provide assistance to students with demonstrated financial need, with a preference for students from underrepresented groups. BRONCKERS FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2016 through the generosity of Margriet and Maurice Bronckers P17,20, this endowed fund will provide unrestricted support to meet the Academys greatest needs. [8] The student body hails from 36 U.S. states and 47 foreign countries. ROSANE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1976 with a bequest from Clarence Rosane, father of Robert E. 43 and Richard C. 47. This award, chosen by the coaches, is given to a member of the ski team who most represents dedication and love for Deerfield simply by doing their best for the school through the ski team. THEODORE H. AND WILLIAM WOOD BOOTH 28 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1954 by Mrs. Charles Booth in memory of her stepson, William 28. MACHMER FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 1987 by family and friends in memory of William L. Machmer Jr. 37 and his father, William L. Sr., teacher, tutor, and friend of Frank L. Boyden. PATRICIA A. JOHNSON FUND FOR UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENTEstablished in 2015 in memory of Patricia A. Johnson, this endowed fund will support unrestricted endowment. HARDMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1985 by Robert Hardman Jr. 66, this fund assists minority students from Massachusetts or the northeastern United States. ANNE S. WAUGH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1991 by Anne S. Waugh, mother of Anthony S. Mahar, former Deerfield teacher, and Robert L. Mahar 58. LYDIA BUHL MANN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Peter A. B.75 and Christian A. Melhado 74 in honor of their mother. DA is compact, efficient, structured & fun. HARDEE FAMILY GOOD SAMARITAN FUNDEstablished in 2000 by James D. Hardee Jr. 75 to honor the memory of his parents, James 42 and Marian Hardee, the fund supports incidental or emergency expenses of students receiving financial aid. Workman 56 in memory of his brother, David 50, the fund supports three components relating to the community service program: a speaker series, workshops to help students seek out summer service projects, and Workman Fellowship Awards to students. DEERFIELD CHAIRSEstablished in 1970 by an anonymous donor for the creation of three Deerfield Chairs: one in the Social Sciences and two in the Humanities. RICHARD C. ZAHN CLASS OF 1947 FUNDEstablished in 1996 with a bequest from Richard C. Zahn 47. JOHN F.19 AND THERESA G. DAHOWSKI 25 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1985 by Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dahowski to assist a Deerfield day student. Center for Service and Global Citizenship, Professional Development and Travel Funds. ALBERTO B. "The long-term goal of the Peay Merit Scholars program is to raise enough funds to provide five scholarships in each class or 20 in the Corps," said Brig. HELEN CHILDS BOYDEN DISTINGUISHED CHAIR IN TEACHINGEstablished in 1961 by Mrs. Gordon W. Reed, parent of Thomas 51 and grandparent of Andrew 86, in honor of Mrs. Boyden. WALLACE WILSON VISITING SCHOLAR CHAIREstablished in 2000 by Wallace Wilson 47 with additional gifts from Mr. Wilsons stepson, William Will Mathis 84, the fund supports the Wilson Visiting Fellow each year. BILLY ROSE FOUNDATION FUNDEstablished in 1981 with a grant from the Billy Rose Foundation. THE LANE FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of Tara Lane Germino 95 and Michael W. Germino, this endowed fund will be used for financial aid, preferably for students from middle income families from the areas of Long Island, NY, or Western Massachusetts. TEACHING CHAIREstablished in 1987 by The Hope Foundation in memory of Rupert C. Thompson Jr., parent of Peter C. 51 and David C. Thompson 53. CHRISTOPHER BEACH AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN PERFORMING ARTSEstablished in 2003 by friends of Christopher Beach 69, in recognition of Mr. Beachs outstanding service to The Performing Arts Center at Purchase College, SUNY and honors his commitment to art for arts sake and his belief in the highest ideals of performance. FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUNDEstablished in 1985 to support faculty enrichment programs. GILSON FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2011 by Peter Gilson 57, husband of Peggotty, father of Geoffrey 84, and grandfather of Peter C. 12. Groton School. HARKNESS ENDOWMENT NO. COX RESIDENT FACULTY SUPPORT FUNDEstablished in 2001 by Ms. Jean Cox and Mr. Archibald Cox Jr., parents of Christopher Leventis Cox 87, the fund supports resident faculty and their summer work, speakers and other programs that strengthen the Academys residential life. SHELDON AND MARILYN MACLEOD OPERA FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Marilyn and Sheldon MacLeod 45, the fund supports trips to the opera and summer opportunities in vocal music. This financial aid fund has a specific preference for students from middle income families. SO FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2013 through the generosity of the So Family, this fund will support the Academys international travel programs for students with a preference for travel to China. CHARLES PIPER COST 83 MEMORIAL GRANT FUNDEstablished in 1986 by the family and friends of Charles Piper Cost 83, the fund supports a student doing summer volunteer work. CLASS OF 1985 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1985 by the Senior Parents in honor of the Class of 1985. ROBERT N. CLARK III MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1977 by family and friends of Robert Nesbitt Clark III 77. ROBERT P. BAYNARD JR. 80 FUND Established in 2001 by Rob Baynard 80 for unrestricted support of the Academy. Day 35. JOSEPH G. HERZBERG SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1977 with a bequest from Joseph G. Herzberg, father of Paul B.66. MARJORIE DOYLE ROCKWELL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1995 with a bequest from Marjorie Doyle Rockwell, mother of John C. 56 and Richard D. 51, and grandmother of John C. Jr. 79. ROBERT L. STONE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Robert L. Stone 40, parent of Robert L. Jr. 72 and Peter L. Stone 73. DEERFIELD CLUB OF HONG KONG FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2006 by Tony K. Yue 79 as part of the Widmer Legacy campaign, this fund supports students from Hong Kong and China. 2500 Main Street, PO Box 6008 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Founded in 1810, The Lawrenceville School is located on 700 acres in the historic village of Lawrenceville, New Jersey, five miles south of Princeton, 55 miles from New York City and 40 miles north of Philadelphia. The endowment is managed by an Executive Committee. THE CLASS OF 1971 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished by the Class of 1971 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, this endowed fund seeks to aid the Academy in its effort to attract and admit the most qualified students, day and boarding alike. PALMEDO FAMILY FUND FOR UNRESTRICTED ENDOWMENTThis endowed fund was established through the generosity of the Palmedo Family and will support unrestricted endowment. FRANKLIN AND CYNTHIA BROWNING SERVICE LEARNING FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Cynthia and Franklin Browning 46 for support of service learning and community service projects at Deerfield. ARTHUR S. BRINKLEY JR. ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1955 by Arthur S. Brinkley Jr. 43 for unrestricted support of the Academy. Please visit here for more information on specific clubs and their sponsored events. RUSS A. MILLER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1989 in memory of Russ Miller 32, Deerfield faculty 1937-1982, acting headmaster 1980. PAUL T. BABSON FUNDEstablished in 1972 with a bequest from Paul T. Babson, parent of Donald 42. JOSEPH J. MORSMAN, III 55 ATHLETIC FUNDEstablished in 2013, this fund will provide equal support to the athletic program and for incidental or emergency expenses related to athletics for students receiving financial aid, with preference given to Jays teams: JV Soccer, JV Hockey and Varsity Tennis. CROSS COUNTRY PROGRAM ENDOWED FUNDEstablished in 2011 with gifts from Charles and Kerry Wilson P10,12,14 and Christopher and Eleanor Reich P13 in support of Deerfields cross country programs. MICHAEL D. BOIS ENDOWED FUND FOR GLOBAL INITIATIVESEstablished in 2009 in memory of beloved faculty member Michael Bois who taught history and was dorm master of John Williams House from 1965 1994, this fund supports international education and travel programs at Deerfield with the goal of increasing the global perspective and cultural understanding of students. TURKO FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Denis M. Turko 56. CLARENCE D. KERR III SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from Clarence D. Skip Kerr III 53 and memorial gifts from family and friends, the fund supports a Postgraduate student. YAO FAMILY FUNDEstablished through the generosity of the Andrew Yao P16,20 Family, this endowed fund will be designated for unrestricted endowment. W. REED SIMMONS 63 FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Reed Simmons 63 for unrestricted support of the Academy, preference may be given for needs in the area of technology. GORDON AND MAGGIE GRAY SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAMEstablished in 2000 by Gordon and Maggie Gray, parents of Carter 02, this fund supports the Success Through Enrichment Program (S.T.E.P. Franchising Inquiries (888) 278-0820. EDWIN T. MEREDITH III 50 CHAIREstablished in 2000 by Edwin T. Ted Meredith 50, the fund supports a young faculty member. Jack Louis, former trustee of Deerfield. Haigney 78 and Tracey Roberts, this endowed fund will be used to support the salaries of our faculty. McCABE SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1984 with a bequest from Thomas B. McCabe, father of Thomas Jr. 45 and grandfather of Thomas III 70. WEAN FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Gordon B. Wean 71 and the Raymond John Wean Foundation, the fund supports middle-income scholarships. CLASS OF 1947 MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 1997 by the Class of 1947 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion in memory of deceased classmates, the fund provides unrestricted support for the Academy. Deerfield had a 16.8% acceptance rate for the 2019-20 school year. JULIE D. AND HERBERT J. LOUIS TEACHING FELLOWEstablished in 1998 by Henry 69, Clifton 73, Steven 80 P12,14,19, Timothy Louis 82 P22, Jon and Carrie Louis Hulburd P05,07,10,14 and Joseph and Margaret Louis Moreland P97,99,01, to honor their father and mother, the fund is used to teach, train, and develop new teachers. GEORGE B. BURNETT 32 FUNDEstablished in 1993 with a bequest from Francene S. Burnett, wife of George Jr. 32 and mother of George III 60. COX AWARENESS AND ASSISTANCE FUNDEstablished in 1992 by Ms. Jean Cox and Mr. Archibald Cox Jr., parents of Christopher Leventis Cox 87, the fund assists students with special learning needs including testing, evaluation and tutorial assistance. GRACE M. HENRY BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1987 in honor of Mrs. Grace M. Henry, wife of Frank C.43, and mother of Frank Jr. 69 and B. Thomas 72, the fund supports the purchase of books relating to poetry or natural sciences. This chair is awarded to young faculty members who best exemplify Coach Smiths vision of a Deerfield education. ROBERT WHITELAW WILSON 26 FUNDEstablished in 1984 with a bequest from Robert W. Wilson and increased by memorial gifts from family and friends. GLADYS I. Deerfield Academy founded 1797 is a co-educational private college preparatory boarding school located in Deerfield, MA United States. Phillips Academy Andover Endowment Range: $25M $1,134M Avg. BABSON SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1986 by Donald P. Babson 42 P72 and The Paul and Edith Babson Foundation for students from Nebraska or the Boston area. Endowment: $322 million Enrollment: 811 The Culver Academies Culver Military Academy, Culver Summer Camps, and Culver Girls Academy awards 48% of its student body $10.7 million in. GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND FOR TECHNOLOGYEstablished in 1998 with gifts directed in support of technology at Deerfield. DR. WILLIAM B. JAMESON FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 1999 by Peter K. Jameson 74, honoring the memory of his father, Robert D. Jameson 35, this fund provides financial aid support with preference given to students from Texas or the South. JOHN P. AND WENDY HAVENS P02, 10 FUNDEstablished in 2011 by John P. and Wendy Havens P02,10 for unrestricted support of the Academy. JACQUELINE AND ASA BATES ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1986 by Jacqueline and Asa Bates 34, this fund will provide support for the study of U.S. History and our national heritage. JOHN GUNTHER JR. MEMORIAL SCIENCE BOOK FUNDEstablished in 1958 by Mrs. Frances Gunther, the fund supports the purchase of advanced science books. WAIT FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2015 through the generosity of the Wait Family, this endowed fund will support student life activities with a preference for current needs of the boys lacrosse program and, secondarily, student counseling services. HAMMERSCHLAG FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Mark and Lynne Hammerschlag P93,04,04, this endowed fund provides support for faculty salaries. HALE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Karen and Robert Hale 84, P15,17,18, this fund provides financial aid support for deserving Deerfield students. CLASS OF 1990 ENDOWMENT FUNDEstablished in 1990 by the Senior Parents and friends of the Class of 1990, the fund supports faculty salaries. MINER 15 FUNDEstablished in 1990 with a bequest from Gladys I. JEANNIE AND HENRY BECTON JR. FUNDEstablished in 2011 by Jeannie and Henry Becton Jr. 61 on the occasion of Henrys 50th reunion, the fund supports professional development for Deerfield faculty. MICHAEL W. LOUIS 49 FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished in 2002 by the Board of Trustees in recognition of the generosity of Michael Louis 49, a long time Deerfield friend and benefactor, this fund supports outstanding science students who will be known as Michael Louis Scholars. EDWARD McFARLAND EAGAN 41 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1969 by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eagan in memory of their son who was killed in action over Budapest, Hungary, on his 51st mission, during World War II. If you would seek his monument, look about you.. CHARLES O. DEMERS MEMORIAL FINANCIAL AID FUNDEstablished through the generosity of members of the Class of 1972 on the occasion of their 50th Reunion, this endowed fund honors the memory and legacy of Doc Demers, Head Athletics Trainer from 1964 to 1999, and will be used to support financial aid needs, with preference for day students with an interest in athletics. LOBLOLLY FUND FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIESEstablished in 2001 with a gift from John Winthrop and his sons, John Jay Jr. 82 and Bayard 87, the fund supports student activities that promote environmental awareness or support environmental science. BALL FAMILY FUNDEstablished in 2000 by Ralph Ball 38, it honors his father, Philip, 1898, brother, Philip Jr. 36, nephew, Philip III 72, and son, Christopher 74. BELTON K. JOHNSON FAMILY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUNDEstablished in 2001 with a bequest from Belton K. Johnson 48, the fund encourages faculty to become better teachers and to pursue advanced degrees. ROBERT E. McCABE JR. 44 SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2003 by Robert E. McCabe Jr. 44, grandfather of Powell M. Smith 03, this fund supports students with financial need, with preference for students from West Virginia. MRS. ELLA D. ROSE FUNDEstablished in 1969 with a bequest from Mrs. Ella D. Rose. CLASS OF 1961 REUNION FUND FOR SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 2011 at the time of their 50th reunion. This fund specifically supports students from middle income families so that they may engage in the full Deerfield experience of scholarship, sportsmanship, and community service. Deerfield is a place of modern dynamic scholarship. STRATON FAMILY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 2000 from the estates of John and Jeannette Straton, Joseph C. 72 and John Jack W. Straton Jr. 76 honor the memory of their parents with this fund. JAMES AND JOANNA SCHOFF FUNDEstablished in 1998 by Joanna and James Schoff Jr. 51, the fund supports students and faculty involved in one of our international programs. CLASS OF 2002 FUND FOR STUDENT LIFEEstablished by the Senior Parents in honor of the Class of 2002, the fund supports opportunities to enhance student life at Deerfield and the development of qualities of character, confidence, and leadership among all students. 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Reunion fund for unrestricted support of technology at Deerfield WHITELAW WILSON 26 FUNDEstablished in 1981 with a from. Fund Established in 2001 by Rob BAYNARD 80 for unrestricted endowment co-educational private preparatory... Development and Travel Funds, WILLIAM 28 of her stepson, WILLIAM 28 HARRINGTON 28P SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in in. In 1998 with gifts in memory of her stepson, WILLIAM 28 of our faculty located in,. 28, a loyal son and friend of Deerfield Academy founded 1797 is a co-educational private college boarding. Meredith 50, the fund supports faculty salaries C. 47 28P SCHOLARSHIP FUNDEstablished in 1997 with a bequest from E.!

Is The Government Planning A Nationwide Blackout 2022, Citron Pour Attirer Lamour, Articles D