colgate commercial with blind boy

She is an older thin coiffed woman who is giddy with the Christmas shopping bug! That he wasnt and was on the children of the corn on wheels, its the bus driver that needs to be disciplined and have action taken against them. You tend to lose your sense of shame when you're broke. So annoying and depressing. Hes doin more than a dollop of Daisy, Ill tell ya that much. It's creepy and obnoxious. Some replies are obscure tv commercials. Some ad for medication - with a teen and his uncle. Who are these advertising idiots who think hearing this awful noise every couple of hours is going to make anyone want to buy that car. The poor pathetic man in the Previgen commercial who does motivational speaking when he's not substitute teaching. Select Editions Large Type features up to two expertly edited best-selling books in every volume. 'Kelly' looks like a South Asian lesbian. Can the cleft-palated children be far behind? I hate the new Kohl's Christmas commercial. And now the hello Im your vagina commercial. The empath training woman with the big eyebrows who has the cheap colored lights from Target strung over her doorway for no discernible reason. Car ad featuring a cute white guy with three segments with auto featured among them: Preparing to meet his black fiancee's family. This ridiculous commercial has some librarian looking woman dancing around to another stupid song with the lyrics, [bold]"If it burns when you pee" [/bold]. What low-end crap *won't* he shill for? The car ad where three kinds of people state some destination they're headed to in their over-sized, nasty, gas-guzzling luxury tank. His megaphone, for calling people's attention to his business, was tied to a thin rope and on his chest. Only thing worse are their Adam Sadler tribute weekends who Im convinced owns a fare share of stock in the network. In the past, the woman screamed "I LOVE IT!" This thread should be a fucking gold mine after The Super Bowl. Have you noticed the uptick of serious season actors shilling now? The girl, named Grace, seems pleased to meet Caleb and asks him if he has just moved in the area. before passive aggressive Oh Dear doofus. Those PetsSmart ads or whatever they are with everyone singing "I'd Do Anything" remind me how much I hate the musical OLIVER! . Those women seem like idiots or space cadets. You may show minimal to no improvement in your oldfolks condition. That preachy commercial about getting rid of your guns when you know someone in your household is suicidal. Also I think one of their taglines was something like "Now you never have to stop working!" Bupkis. I don't really hate the ad itself. That computer virus protection software commercial where the employees say "believe" about 50 times - how more annoying can you get? Colgate is out to foster some badly needed post-pandemic optimism with its new "Be the Reason" brand equity campaign, a richly produced departure from what's long been a product- and. To the tune of12 Days of Christmas - everything is Cha Ching.. Do they use it as a sexual lubricant? Its for girls claiming to be only 18, yeah sure Anyway one of the bikini clad skanks is holding sunscreen and it squirts out and she has the most mortified look on her face. The deep, weeks-long discussions about anthropomorphic geckos, vaginas, antidepressants. Her kids scream at her to get out of their room and her mom waves her away like an insect. In the detergent commercial where the older parents are talking about their married children moving back into the house, which gives them more laundry to do but the product works like a miracle - the girl at the end drinking from a juice box but spilling it all over the front of her clothes, is she "special"? You've never been in my fucking daydream. Im in my home acting like Natalie Portman in the Dior commercial. The fucking asthma medication commercials where the editors think they're doing "1917", but every edit is so obvious it makes them look like NYU film students. So again hes alienated a huge percentage of possible viewers including other minorities. If either of them were attractive it would be homoerotic. I despise the ads for Big Lots with Eric Stonestreet and Molly Shannon. Colgate Boy on School Bus Smile Commercial by Vincent Colgate reminds people that the power of a smile can bring optimism to those around them in a new commercial, titled "The Power of a Smile". You fucking bastards who produce these shitty commercials should be forced to watch your shit on loop for 3 weeks straight. Stash: I dont gotta be scared no mo. Its like theyre egging people on at this point. Enough with the fucking Shriners kids commercials!!!!! The black gal covets and gives longing eyes to the other gal. Colgate uses false authority because the Doctors are normally not fully qualified to be Doctors. I usually hate the Capitol One spots, but the holiday commercial with Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta as Santa Claus is inspired. Cringe-worthy stupidity. The AT&T internet commercial with the mom who's Zooming with her kids and the connection starts to break up. That blonde woman in her car giving us a look like she knows weve been discussing her constipation. She looks a little crazy now . Online datingI wanted to get back into dating but didnt know where to start? Like its tennis or something. All Rakuten commercials but particularly this one. The begging for peoples hard earned money is usually always around the Winter holidays. Any commercial that ends with "Living Spay-sez. I had to switch channels whenever it came up. ? And Dave yells Lasagna! Then they repeat this. How does someone change their appearance so radically? R89,you may be eligible to add $144 to your Social Security. Build a Bright Future With Us. Turned so bitter and mean. Going to open the box. Obviously he's a new chef. Continued from the previous, now closed, thread. Has anyone else seen the commercial with Dr. James Kojian. The other ad is for an eyeglass place - Sharon is show standing in front of a rack of glasses and is trying on frames to choose. I HATE that Applebee's commercial, both the song and the people dancing. Leave alone nurse of Progressive commercial. No, there isnt. This new platform was developed exclusively for dental professionals to provide patients the most trusted oral care products. What are these Mad Men (and women) snorting? It seems more like a cry for help on suicide watch. r547, yes, I'm part of that. The Walgreens commercial with the UGLY red headed girl. Is that the one where he says of him and his wife"and we write." If he buys the studio, it's not because of the psychic saw your future, you dumbfuck! Literally. The Hippo ad with Ralph Fiennes aborted son. (lyrics below)\r\rMost said that this video may have been shown during the early 60's. I mute them or change channels immediately, and so does everyone I know. Then sit there for a little while. I hate them all, mainly because they seem to be on constantly. What a disgusting commercial, they are waaaay too detailed about what causes vile odors in your ass and crotch area.. How is it that I haven't seen like 90% of these commercials you're talking about? From hated to likable. r485, did you see the possible side effects of that drug? That's what I pay attention to. What the FUCK??? [quote] the Shriner's gimpy kids give you a blanket. John Cena and the purple cow who moos BOOOOOOST! Covenant House homeless kids and the Shriner's gimpy kids give you a blanket. "And now, we wear the pahnts!". Oooh, a suburban family doing some lame ass rap and dancing- how quirky!! I wish he would choke on that bite of dessert, the smug asshole. . Most adults with any kind of money in the bank and decent pensions won't be eligible for whatever Jimmy, Joe and everyone else is bullshitting about. Readers Digest Partners for Sight Foundation is committed to maintaining compliance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA standard for digital accessibility. Shaquille s immunity system is not compromised. I can imagine the smarmy ad agency asshole who came up with the lyric: "If it burns when you pee", [quote] This ridiculous commercial has some librarian looking woman dancing around to another stupid song with the lyrics, "If it burns when you pee", Bad timing for Dish Network. I don't know what the actor's union did with their plans. Why can't he get a mild case of COVID so he can shut up for a while? That fucking guy who wont stop singing about his grilled cheese. This time, she's sitting in the driver's seat leaning out through the window during her "I LOVE IT!" Shingles can be whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The stupid Dr Oz ad where blames Biden for shutting down factories while pointing to the factory behind him that was closed 27 years ago. For one brief summer they were pretty fun. Its exciting to play a major role in this iconic brands biggest product launch in two decades, said actor Luke Wilson. I think I'm in the majority when I say that the only reason a brand/product gets my money is quality. Wet Ass Plushy. The one where the guys shopping for milk and this little boy in back keeps insisting his ripple milk is best alternative to actual milk. It's brief and to the point. Finally seeing Christopher was alive and okay, Buck was overcome by his exhaustion and collapsed. This One a Day commercial. Can imagine the outrage if there was a commercial where a guy killed a woman in bar? But dont advertise something just to cater to your beloved preferred demographic when everyone is scratching their heads wondering what they hell theyre talking about. Medicare annual open enrollment with MARTHA is the absolute worst TV commercial I have ever seen. The WWF gives you a stuffed elephant plushie if you subscribe. I notice a lot of the channels which air retro-TV series also show these awful ads. PICK UP THE FUCKING TABLET! I mute it immediately. Colgates new campaign in Hong Kong, Smile Out Loud, challenges unrealistic beauty standards, with Thai/African influencer Suzie Wadee and real-sized beauty queen Ann-Scott Kemmis helping to debunk the idea of the so-called perfect teeth. She has to share her news with a random delivery guy because her family hates her. Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. Does Elton really need the money?! It's all a trade-off, I guess. Any of those every kiss begins with Kaye commercials especially the one where the sisters talk about how the mom handed down these sisters maybe a bracelet or necklace or ring or whatever. St. hate the one with the chick in the kitchen. So I work work work every day. I don't have cable anymore, but I went to visit family a month ago and they had cable so I saw lots of commercials. YOU HAVE AN ATTACHED GARAGE BEHIND YOU. Any commercial that uses Ill Take You There, Walking On Sunshine, or the Carmen Overture. ", I watch live tv through Hulu and they have been running the same three commercials ad nauseam for weeks. Heres the thing about chipotle, Im a Mexican who grew up East LA. Lil' Nas has great delivery. September 2, 2021 "'What Can Your Smile Do?'" sums up a TV commercial from Colgate, depicting the experience of a young boy who is visually impaired and boarding a school bus. How anyone can mistake that caterwauling for actual singing is beyond me. I think its doordash where theyre on the bus and this lady talks about how theyre able to deliver the best bofogo or something As if were supposed to know what that even is. GET TINTING, YOU OAFS! Nothing is everythang!! Ok - that Humira commercial where the attractive 20 something white and black women are doing a radio show or podcast in their Garage. The Geico gecko is neither cute nor funny and never has been, plus has the most annoying goddamn voice imaginable. I have to mute the tv. UGH. Not hating, but more bewildered after seeing Liev Schrieber in a commercial for a company called "Mattress Firm". I wish they would bring back the Country Western Band version. Yes cause we all know how he preaches tolerance amongst the Native Americans, the Syrians, the Jewish community, the Asians, lgbt community oh wait. Her tone of voice is such an infuriating combination of smug and gotcha! r91, It's like the Voltarin commercial where the wife with the gay husband is so glad that he has his moves back, and you can tell that the bartender, who pops his cork for everyone he sees and throws a boner, is also glad. From proper toothbrush care, how cavities are formed, which toothpaste to use and how to get your whole mouth clean, Dr. Rabbit teaches your child how to properly develop good oral . When you literally turn things into black and white ONLY issues youre gonna alienate the rest and with their cash cow South Park now running new shows and repeats on Paramount Plus, what do you thinks gonna happen? Some features on this site require registration. that any real mom would probably burst out with profanity in a fit of temper. Some of the ad agencies did get something right, their ads featuring mixed race couples, both gay and straight people, sure must be infuriating the ReThugs. [quote] The best thing about all those "happy people" designer drug commercials is the incredibly loooooong list of side effects and potential bad reactions they're required to spell out in each commercial. Pancakes at 3 in the morning, not a fucking pot roast. While seeking a seat, he introduces himself and beams his bright smile to a young girl, who cheerfully offers her name and they begin a conversation. I just found out that Nina Simone is singing on this song but I still hate it. But what can I do? so there are similar to their counterparts in that aspect but Id still never expect them do advertise for that nutcase. It's up there with the Beatle song torturer!! You write what, cranky letters to the editor? The new one makes me laugh so hard cause theres a little boy in the new commercial and you can see him at the end lip syncing to the their theme music. If I dont ever see it how can I hate it too? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Yowza! The other ad in this series features the Rapunzel character and there's yet another ad. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I think the Amazon before the wedding commercial should only run in Russia as part of the sanctions. ), [quote] Leave alone nurse of Progressive commercial. I did enjoy the one where the little boy stuck a stick op his daddy's manhole. I say fuck your empty-assed refrigerator that is suddenly packed with a bunch of plastic containers of food you will probably never even open and eat. I thought I was the only one who hated that little bitch. This commercial does not motivate me to buy the product, only to change the channel. I'm not sure what they're advertising but the commercial features a little boy with one of those cloying affected childish voices asking "Did you know" about an endless stream of subjects until his mom says "Did you know we love how many things you know?" The Sopranos Chevy spot. The ludicrous Shop-Rite can-can commercials look like some high school class project. There's a Colgate commercial with a little boy who's blind and he gets on the school bus and makes new friends. It's a catchy tune and the dancers are sweet. R97, I haven't seen that one. On the other hand I can totally see them being the types to shop there so stellar casting I suppose. She has a line or two, but I didn't pay attention to what she says. All of the teflon pan commercials. FOR THE LOVE OF SWEET BABY JESUS! WTF? The Pharma commercials are taking over the airwaves. Others started on YouTube and made their way to the three main network channels and cable channels. Ive got bills Ive got to pay. The commercial with the hunky Army guy dropping his pants in the desert for a woman! Thats so flyover. I never hated that guy - I thought he was the best one of the bunch. The Downey commerical where the parents are in the laundry room and the kids are upstairs raising hell. Is it just in LA - the Casino Morongo commercial - with an older African American couple laughing and grooving out in a convertible - he looks like an older Rick Fox and she looks like that tv chef Carla. First of all that comment was posted..well its literally the 24th comment and youre so offended by the Byron Allen comparison you had to post all these threads later? It used to be a dirty little secret that they would do commercials for a million in Japan or Europe (Angelina, Johnny D & George). Scary. Colgate has also launched a project called Colgate Optimism Project, which is an initiative that focuses on celebrating optimistic youth leaders who are taking active steps to change their world for the better. The only commercial TV I watch is the Wheel of Fortune - Jeopardy hour. I know more and more movie stars are doing commercials, like Clooney and Pitt for coffee, I just thought the Liev had more clout than to shill for mattresses. It seems to be him hawking cheap, gaudy jewelry in his living room. If you've been a longtime reader of this thread, you know that the Shriners Hospital ads get ragged on quite a lot and discussed the kids who show up in them. They are the stuff of dreams I used to have after dropping a tab of acid. Check out the video at Can Your Smile Do? The most grating is the Ferrero Rocher spot with a woman singing its Christmas time again my loooove with her warbly, thin, reedy voice. R393, that commercial is word for word better in the Spanish shoot. They only flash her face for about 5 seconds of the whole ad. Ugh. The one with an interracial couple (black guy, blonde white girl); she gets out of the car and he stays in, fantasizing about "bruncha manicurea nice pedicure" and then she gets back in with a check for the car she has just sold inside of two minutes! The only more ridiculous food delivery company is that stupid Daily Harvest nonsense. Just beyond wrong! Absolutely despise the Amazon spot withe the two ladies right before the wedding. I needed him to be here.". Like he knows what lasagna is. I've gotten very good at grabbing the remote and hitting the SKIP button as soon as I see Blondie bent over to show how you can't detect the diapers in her yoga pants. R471. About 8 summers ago I moved house after 24 years - the packing was an endless nightmare - a really stressful summer. I also hate anything with the state-farm snowqueen Jake. If you watch the Ricky Gervais series, "After Life", you get a real glimpse at the type of person who adores Kevin Hart. Id like to see that Dyke covered in that gallon of ranch dressing topped with her Coo Coo Crusty. I am still hating the gay bald widower who thinks that Botox is the secret to his grief. Can barely understand a word he says. No matter where she's kissing the glass window, in the time of Covid, WHY the fuck is a commercial featuring anyone kissing a pane of dirty glass??? And what's with the kid who, while skipping around town, kicks the older woman's newspaper out of her hand? And of course they advertise whatever Shaq is schilling atm which is basically what theyre all about (Adam Sandler must own a huge portion of the network or stock in it with what theyre always advertising with his abysmal offerings) other than their big cash cow South Park. Most retirees are not eligible for free Medicare, let alone, Medicaid. R24 go back to the toilet you crawled out of. So over that! However it seemed like 90% of them were for prescription meds. She was probably using a wet towel to dry herself off with. the United States You gonna go after wheres the beef next? Are you too lazy to go to the grocery store or poor as fuck? But don't you have to work a little to keep the union health plans? Where are these commercials being shown? The answer to my question about Amazon at R95 is at the link. How he keeps from wandering into traffic every day is beyond me. I'm really getting sick of the woman who radiantly croons the "Nationwide is on your side" songs. Thank God for Target! Much better than the rotten fish expedition of the hot crack yoga moms. The spot features a visually-impaired boy who gets on the school bus and takes a seat near a girl, where he finds an empty seat. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The most annoying current TV ads are those relentless Medicare commercials which are filled with lies. The Asian bitches who yell stupid shit about their money in the Discover Card commercial. Saw the 12 Days of Cha-ching commercial today. Like I know theyre preferred to hire of all the Hispanics because of this cop out, dated, racist documentation paperwork bs when it comes to entertainment, and sports and politics and music and news coverage, you name it but the day this bofongo takes over Tuesdays from tacos Ill take the bait. I second the poster above about Kevin Hart. Jimmie Walker is even more obnoxious. THANKFULLY. I guess Walmart started it and Amazon is just as bad. [quote]Anyone know who the muscle hunk is in this Just Egg commersh with Kelly? Mike Lindells new towels hes plugging where one of the lines is are you tired of towels that dont dry? Bitch if it aint drying you what youre using clearly aint a towel. I can't help wishing there are sudden clouds and a mountain range. Especially a Hess truck attached to a giant penis rocket ship. It follows me around Youtube and it will not stop. R482 That PD treatment those crooked carrot commercials are pushing is a drug that is injected into the penis. It's like he's talking to the hearing impaired. Our advanced lined of products are designed to target and reduce your sensitivity. Why the board of directors of that company hasn't defenestrated him by now is just a mystery. When we were kids we had a different kind of bubble maker in the tub. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The sad animal commercial, with the fucking annoying chick practically crying through the dialogue. I cannot STAND how commercials chop up songs to save time! spot where the elf pushes a huge gift card uphill to his friend and, together, they then carry a huge card down the hill to parts unknown? The guy drops off food at some poor sod's house then saunters off, staring at his phone. why do I need to be taken back to 1982 every fucking time there is a commercial break? site without all this bureaucratic nonsense, Dear colgate, Its 8am here in Oregon. WTF is the point of the ridiculous Progressive ad with the father and son douchebags in a store while the son tries on jeans? Stupid skinny Millennial cunts. Id do anything, for you dear - anything! "Thank You For Being A Friend" was a hit Andrew Gold pop song before it was ever the GG theme. Get Aidy Bryant off those horrid Gap spots. I liked the Flight Attendant version, I like the current road worker one where the guy in the reflective vest, fans his ass, quickly, before a "big shit eating" smile hands him the bottle of pink gold! The Burger King Commercial with the Dancing King who says that he would eat a burger if he had a mouth. How does this work? All they say 'are you going to make a donation sir?" Please Smile. I may have missed a post here about Khloe Kardashian for a headache drug. So phoney I quickly change ir mute the channel. Can't stand them. I just actually looked at the "I like red" commercial for the first time this season and it's a little different than the previous several years' versions. Oh, I also noticed Shark Tank had him on the panel ONCE and then never again. R427 that shit is soooo tiresome. His 'business bag' was on his back. Plus, I can't understand what the bear is saying. Glad the law requires them to list all the adverse reactions you can have. That Joie de Hooha add with the stupid bitch wagging her fat, yeast-free cunt around in a yoga class. Idris Elba for, Laurence Fishberg for some video game, Zendaya for Square Space , Ewan McGregor for Expedia, a gang of people for Nissan. [quote]That Kate McKinnon commercial. Call me Mary - you know the aspca commercials about the poor freezing animals? It's probably one of the worst and most annoying commercial I've seen in decades. Smell my drawers!". The Citi credit card commercials with David Rose.I mean, Dan Levy. The ad is way too short to be annoying. He's a filipino with q bad filipino accent. We're going to have to report you. [quote]If I see one more Burlington Coat Factory commercial Im a scream.. Its a fucking coat factory.. Burlington is not a technically "coat factory". WHO THE FUCK WALKS INTO A GROCERY STORE AND ASKS IF THEY CARRY CHEESE?!!! The nationwide commercial with that fat lady with bad bangs singing , makes my ears hurt. Your not fooling anyone that he's still a kid.and that 20 year old caleb with his squeaky voice making our ears bleed. This company must be preying on morons. I hope he squeezes every nickle out of anyone who hires him. Ill be right over! Body parts are floppy or too stiff. ^meant to type "waving thanks to the neighbor.". It hit home and hit my heart. The commercials are offensive where a white woman brags to black friend how she loves the bubble maker. I live on the East Coast. Ugh.. And then he got pic frames in the background with the slogan Dynomite in the background. I want to hit them with a snow shovel! [quote]The Carfax family of shamed people in tree camo who are too embarrassed to be seen in public because they paid too much for their used clunker. They just one upped themselves on this one in terms of oddity. and they don't have annoying crinkling when you move, etc. Kia has an ad showing a writer with writers block get in her car and drive around. Become a contributor - post when you want with no ads. Or employees are paid to appear (as anyone else would be) and some do it for the money, yet we're supposed to believe what they're being paid to say? All rights reserved. Please click here to register for free. The horrible Everlywell commercials for allergy saliva testing. All rights reserved. "STRYPAPER?!" What about the new Medicare benefits shit with Jimmy Walker? R409 I think you mean "the adowable teddy bear blanket". What is the best selling over-the-counter allergy medication? that payments need to be kept up on. Popular topics. The kids act like they're horrified by what they see, when in reality, they'd probably just shut the laptop or walk away. Are happy with it, we wear the pahnts! `` again alienated... They CARRY cheese?!!!!!!!!!!. Ta be scared no mo 's manhole dental professionals to provide patients the most annoying current TV ads those. On your side '' songs around YouTube and it will not stop side! Them to list all the adverse reactions you can have or change channels immediately, and so everyone. Shill for dessert, the woman who radiantly croons the `` Nationwide is on your side '' songs the to! Ad where three kinds of people state some destination they 're headed to in their Garage Caleb... 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