This show revolves around Lucifer Morningstar, who is the DC Universes version of the Devil. Rather than being one long story with a cohesive plot that progresses through each chapter, this is actually a collection of short stories based on prompts that were given to the author. Lucifer. I think, from what Im told, that you are my father?, I dont think so, sweetheart. She was stressed enough and being sick was the last thing she needed. He should have known that with the good comes the bad, and someone from his old life turns up determined to wreak havoc on everything and everyone he cares about. I joined the very long line as the bouncer let people in and out of the club. Smut ShotsSummary:!! Every chapter contains smut We're the ones that weren't supposed to be part of the story, but we put ourselves in anyway. Im really sorry love but no thanks. Chuck writes a new book, and Sam is his dear protagonist. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. Taken her right from the safety of her home the one place she should feel at ease. Forsaken Ones is a canon-divergent AU that follows Adam and Michael after the events of season 14/during the beginning of season 15, after Chuck blows open every door in Hell and they're released from the Cage. Tonight he is right where he needs to be. So heL esta ser la segunda temporada de naruto estrella de la maana, esta historia se centra en boruto el hijo de naruto y hinata y nieto de lucifer con chloe, todo comienza Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker have become increasingly close through each case they solve, how long until one falls for the other, or has one of them already fall A Lucifer x Chloe fan fiction This Part has some surprises in store for you. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. ), Protective Demon Brothers (Shall We Date? ), Roy (Supernatural: Dark Side of the Moon), Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Adam Milligan is Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester's Half-Sibling, Dean Winchester is Sam Winchester's Parent, Charlie Magne & Lilith Magne & Lucifer Magne, Angel Dust & Cherri Bomb Friendship (Hazbin Hotel), Angel Dust Being Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel), Main Character/Mammon (Shall We Date? I think. After Chloe's death, Lucifer's time is, against all odds, divided between earth and hell. Suggestions are encouraged. A sexy one at that? : Obey Me! Learn how your comment data is processed. I mean I want your feedback on it. baby measuring 1 week behind at 7 weeks ivf. Blood of God Chapter 1, a lucifer fanfic | FanFiction Speak of the Devil by asgarders. He sensed my uncomfortableness. Hes The Devil of course hes gonna lie and say that to you., Yeah well Ive know him a lot longer than you have. Let's start from the beginning. Its just a cute fic, okay. Meanwhile, Lucifer deals with the repercussions of his experience in the desert, mysteries and all. Aka Chloe has a fever and Lucifer takes care of her, followed by fluff, fluff, and more fluff. But will Cas be able to still help the Winchesters to stop the Apocalypse or will Lucifer try to continue his plan and force Cas to be by his side? Protected Chapter 1, a lucifer fanfic | FanFiction : Obey Me! But don't worry, it's still Deckerstar. Her son Harry was chosen as the Boy-who-Lived while her daughter Celine was ignored by almost everyone except for her, Sirius and Remus. If you are looking for the best Lucifer fanfiction, you have come to the right place. : Obey Me! The one that looked the most interesting was the one called 'Lux' I don't know why but for so reason I felt like it was calling to me. Or when the Devil doesnt leave until his Detective feels better. She shrugged carelessly as if it wasn't her problem. Teaming with Detective Jr as an LAPD consultant, and reluctantly spending time away from the love of his life, will the Devil once again manage to save the day? Just fucking man up. An AU of sorts exploring the different paths of Season 4. I mean she was right about one thing: she DID know him longer than I have, she's know him longer than 16 years and I, what? ), Mammon Needs a Hug (Shall We Date? )/Original Female Character(s), Belphegor (Shall We Date? Is the world going to end every time they try to have a nice evening out? Tonight he is right where he needs to be. : Obey Me! As a result of this heinous sin against God, Lucifer was banished from living in heaven ( Isaiah 14:12 ). Unspoken words, jealously and mental issues, Sam Winchester wishes he could have a little bit of what his brother has. Maybe even a popsicle!. She consistently rejects Lucifer, but he sees it as just another challenge that he must tackle. I wasnt born as The Devil, I was an angel once; but thanks to your grandfather, God, I was made to the person I am today. I wasnt sure why I was acting out I think it was because they were having yet another baby and that just made me mad for some reason, as if knowing what I was thinking he continued on, Now, because I am a cop myself, I sense you are a little upset and I think I know why. Lucifer had to stop you from killing him yourself, - She gives you those puppy dog eyes and you even play dress up with her, - But your favorite is when you two play pranks on Dan, - Your dad is just as amused at the pranks, Being Lucifer's son and dating Ella would include, Dating Lucifer would include (male reader), Mazikeen falling in love you, a human, would include, Being Lucifer's son and like a protective older brother to Trixie would include, Being Lucifer's best friend would include. I threw my glass back to drink the last of my beverage and walked up to the couple. (65), Mazikeen & Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) (44), Amenadiel & Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) (41), Protective Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) (351), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (156), Established Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar (121), Protective Lucifer (Shall We Date? Don't subscribe Did someone get murdered?, Then bugger off somewhere else. A Lucifer, ttrpg, and other nonsense blog. : Obey Me! Everything is quiet. So let's make it ours- you and me, just like it's always been, and kick it in the ass. Protective Lucifer Magne Good Parent Lilith Magne Marriage Proposal Charlie Magne Tries Good Friend Niffty (Hazbin Hotel) Scrapbooks Memories Alastor has adopted Vaggie as his daughter, and she couldn't be happier. ), Original Demon Characters (Shall We Date? Your email address will not be published. It features a few different characters that we have not seen much of yet, but it still focuses largely on Chloe and Lucifer. He didn't even check my name on the list and let me in without any ID. Season 1 re-write complete. ), Demon Brothers & Mammon (Shall We Date? That there is pretty specific. He pulls me and my mother towards him in protective way. : Obey Me!) This is a Destiel fic loosely based off the song and video. Oh no. I had just landed in LA and the first place I was going to go to was a bar. ), Belphegor & Mammon (Shall We Date? Who will she choose, who says she has too? Oh my baby Im so glad youre home now. ", "Well no but I didn't think you did it what with everything that had happened with me being gone and all.". He borrowed time when it came to gambling debts, he borrowed time when it came to taking care of his sons, he borrowed time with every sip he took from his life. ), Barbatos Knows Things (Shall We Date? No, you dont. Oh, for the love of Dad. Chuck "god" cleans Lucifer's grace returning it to what it once was before he took the mark and became "the devil", however when they unexpectedly show up at the bunker and Sam feels mixed feelings towards Lucifer, feelings he hasn't let himself feel since he stopped seeing Lucifer after he got out. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. So does this mean you believe me? I asked, Considering you just spoke a demonic language, which by the way no normal human can do, unless a demon of course, and that you mojo-ed me I would have to yes., Wait does this mean that she really is our daughter?. Shes going to attract all the boys. Chloe rolled her eyes at my fathers comment and shook her head. Only time can tell what is in store for them as the two finally write. Welcome to the club Ms. While there are some happy moments, this story is mainly about emotional trauma and solving murders. Work Search: Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker have become increasingly close through each case they solve, how long until one falls for the other, or has one of them already fall. ), did i just gave the doctor my oc's name? tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. One shots based on the Netflix show Lucifer, mostly fluff. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. Requests are now closed, but maybe I'll open it in September. I love the song Everything Has Changed, and I LOVE the music video. In this story, Chloe spends her time uncovering secrets about Lucifer and his mysterious past. Even when he finally starts to reach out and find friends on his own, they meddle. His power became completely perverted ( Isaiah 14:12 ,16,17). Cartoons Disney. Strongly prefer fanfics where characters are not OOC. - Your dad is just as amused at the pranks. Though their time together is short, it is oh so sweet. ", once Lucifer Morningstar experiences his first heartbreak, a close friend comes to his lead, little does he know that his feelings will change for her tremendously. they/them. My mother has had dreams of becoming part of royalty since she was a girl. Lucifer - Being Lucifer's son and like a protective older brother to Things ensue. Along with all of the drama and emotional turmoil of this story, there is also plenty of romance. I only have eyes for one woman. He turned to his woman. I'd also be grateful if you could recommend fics dealing specifically with Lucifer's immortality juxtaposed with Chloe's mortality. On the other, Chloe's back at his side and he just wants to live a peaceful eternity with her. Well played, I'm impressed. I try to simply sum up anything from the show I'm not changing so as not to bore you all. Goodnight sweetheart, try to get some sleep and well talk more tomorrow morning. I yawned and before he left for his room I said something that absolutely made his day and probably my mothers who was watching the whole thing. : Obey Me! The bedroom is beautifully appointed; the walls painted a pleasant cream, the bedside table an attractive ashy wood. Raziel is a younger brother, who will undoubtedly be in pain when he awakes, I do not know the state of his wings, and I do not have the power to dim them if I were to try and pull them into this dimension. He looks between the two hunters. ), Lucifer & Mammon (Shall We Date? You Make Me Invincible by Faihu // @faihu T 1/1. : Obey Me! The next Lucifer fanfiction we will look at is a bit different from the others. Lily Potter once thought she had it all: a loving husband, two adorable children and many friends. You bid Sabrina goodnight in such a fatherly way., Well, being around the small human does help somewhat. It's easier to find stories of a p : Obey Me! This story has over 180,000 hits, with thousands of raving comments from fans worldwide. ", "Yes, we've been over this, Brina. What if when Chloe shot Lucifer in episode four he'd still been invulnerable? "Uh try Morningstar?" Morningstar." ), Demon Brothers (Shall We Date? He shrugged off his jacket and grabbed the end of his tee shirt. So 2 chapters per prompt (1 Destiel and 1 other)Some will be AUs, others won't just depend on the story I want to tellPrompts and summaries to each chapter in "Chapter One"(Adding Tags as I go), After paying a visit to baby Mycroft in the hospital, Charlie got a bit baby fever and Lucifer had to take responsible for it. So feel free to request a scenario and I will gladly do it. Strongly prefer fanfics where characters are not OOC. This story occurs in an alternate universe where Chloe is a highly skilled spy. I'm a crappy writer I'm sorry pls tell me. #chloedecker - 1st was the Janice thing 2nd was Lucifer's jealous feeling like he needed to be better than Pierce thing 3rd was the poison thing 4. Chloe wears knives strapped to her legs, and she is much more vicious and lethal than she looks. Just hit the button below to get in touch. ~~ I will be going by requests! Lily Potter once thought she had it all: a loving husband, two adorable children and many friends. : Obey Me! Some of these stories are short and simple, while others are longer. Oh my god you are so much like your father., Yup. Spoilers, James and Leila: Guide to the Human World, Castiel & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, and he wants someone to make him feel better, Dean Winchester and Castiel get called out on their bullshit, because he's a douche and deserves to die, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Adam Milligan & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Gabriel & God & Lucifer & Michael (Supernatural), Gabriel & Lucifer & Michael (Supernatural), Jack Kline & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Gabriel & Lucifer & Michael & Raphael (Supernatural), Alternate Lucifer (Supernatural: All Along the Watchtower), Alternate Michael (Supernatural: All Along the Watchtower). Sickness never bothered Lucifer until it got ahold of Chloe. when was sharks and minnows invented. What part of yes do you not understand?, Its just hard to wrap my head around thats all. Torture and abuse are common in this story, but they only serve to add intensity and drama to the story. : Obey Me! But then Chloe comes back Michael and Lucifer are Twin Flamesone soul that lives split between two separate bodies. Before he left, he told her he would come back after two years, max three W ! I shot back as crossed. The year is 1995 and Lucifer finds his way to Hogwarts for a brief stint as a Professor. I don't know shit about writing fluff. : Obey Me! 61.4K 1.5K 120. Breaths and heartbeats mingling in unison beneath the dim light of a few candlesChloe and Lucifer, making out 666 ways to Sunday after their long-awaited reunion. Lucifer finds Gabriel in the library. & Original Character(s), Diavolo (Shall We Date? As I looked around I noticed a tall man in blue blazes suit and dark hair I saw he was talking to a blonde hair woman as other women tried to talk to him he just waved them off. Lots of DECKERSTAR, also Tribe, Trixie and her Diablo, and just DECKERSTAR. ), Lucifer Needs a Hug (Shall We Date? Not your fault. She shifted her gaze off him and unto me. Chloe hasnt spoken to Lucifer in weeks, not since the argument that left them both raw and hurting. There are some mature moments throughout the story too, and it is definitely not a story for young readers. You can also subscribe without commenting. I mean since were married, before that even, Trixie was just as much as your daughter as well as mine. Basically, Lucy and his Pops are in lockdown and sex serves as a coping mechanism. The Devil doesn't lie, well, at least this one doesn't." You take care of them, - That guy who kidnapped Trixie to hurt Chloe? Thanks for your Deckerstar fic recs! As my father tucked me in that night and plants a kiss on my foreheads did bidding me a goodnight and brushed my hair like the many times he had done with my stepsister when he had looked after her whilst Chloe was having a girls night out or catching up on some work. Lucifer Stories - Wattpad This is probs shit. (unless it's humor/crack purposes) i also like: Slow Burns, Deckerstar, AUs, reveals, protective!Lucifer, Lucifer being a Dad to trixie, (doesn't have to include those, but i very much like those story elements!) Now, Christie has a new job; to kill, to murder, and to torture. : Obey Me! One and a half years since he told her for the first time that he loved her, and then gave up everything for her; the Godhood, his old life, his divinity, his immortality. I did have a backup story to go with but i idiotically deleted it by accident and I cant get the OG because the place that was in there banned me for no reason at all. How can I help you, child?, Thats the thing actually, my name is Sabrina Morningstar. I informed them. I couldn't picture him being that patient for someone so devastated about the loss of their child. fanfic; hell; luciferonfox . It all started when my friend Christina dragged me to her house to watch the "new, amazing, hot as hell.." TV show called Lucifer. You find yourself going up to Lucifers penthouse. Michael, the Good Son,Lucifer, the Morningstar,Gabriel, The Trickster. anyways, if you leave any recommendations, i very much appreciate it! It is a long story with close to 400,000 words, but it is a really enjoyable story. : Obey Me! (Previously titled Soulmates), Cover drawn by the amazingly talented Rubinaito <3. It is the third sign of Lucifer in the Grimoiore and is based on a nine by nine magic square. Try Ao3,, or Tumblr, you'll probably get a better response there. once Lucifer realizes that he doesnt stand a chance of getting with Chloe , he resorts to making her jealous only for that path to lead him into a completely new lane ,leaving him with emotions and never felt before, Lucifer learns something shocking about Trixie, prompting him to take a much more active role in her life. No one was better at making enemies than John Winchester. I knew my father didn't lie but it was just so natural of me to say. ;) A butterfly effect fanfic! Lucifer and Chloe split up while chasing the Sinnerman. Well Chloe Decker and Lucifer Morningstar met by chance at the club Elysium, only to discover they were always meant to be. Like I dont know if youre lying., One thing about your father, babe, is that Lucifer never lies., Cmon, Mom, you dont really believe that do you? Lucifer takes care of him. Please consider turning it on! Trixie? I asked shocked thinking they had another kid after me. ~~. )/Original Character(s), Lesson 56 (Shall We Date? You will definitely want to stick around for the end of this story. My name is Jenna. : Obey Me! But because I am The Devil, with me being charming as ever, I easily convinced her to do so." I hate the he has manipulated me and made me someone I dont want to be. That Sinister Kid by FearTheSpork in which a very protective starts Lucifer hunting human again. He tried to look away, still not comfortable seeing himself naked. anyways, if you leave any recommendations, i very much appreciate it. : Obey Me! This was about his waste-of-space twin whod kidnapped his beloved Detective. ), Mammon Deserves the World (Shall We Date? Your beauty needs an audience. He carded his fingers through Deans hair softly. ), Leviathan & Mammon (Shall We Date? Lucifer takes care of him. Through the Valley of Death by emynii, ObliObla // @obliobla T 1/1. So after then? He asked turning between me and her. This is a story about a vampire, a creature that after all he'd done didn't think he was good enough to have the rare vampiric occurrence of a soul mate.